Regine is one exhausted girl i`ll tell ya.There is just so much homework and submissions. she hasn`t slept for hours either.. awake all night, she`s a f.. mess - but she got up and out this morning and she`s still at her desk in school. MAN is she tired! It is friday and she is going home tonight to her mums place for the weekend. Ful house - as always. It`s a house were everybody unite. Regine is glad she has her room, when theres to much going on and to many people she is hiding in there.. lying in her bed writing in her diary, or making crazy stories or reading crim-novels.And if u cant find her anywere, i guess she`s running up the mountains with her friend Eldrid!sporty lasses.
At 13 november, 2005 15:25,
admin said…
I'm really impressed with your persistance and your extraterrestrial stamina. Keep up the good work and look ahead!
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