and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

mai 19, 2006

(thoughts from last night) normally my concentration is quite good and i have no problem focusing whatsoeva. but sometimes i just vanish into this world were i c everything from a diffrent angle. suddenly a thread is more interesting then my notes, i have a very important test tomorrow - i have to read! hey look, on the outside of my window it`s a fly stuck in a cobweb, it is twisting and fighting for it`s the opposite corner of the net, a black n`fat spider is sitting.. watching the fly who`s about to give up. swet n` exhausted i can imagine. Focus girl, jeeh! how hard can it be? and in a sec im playing with my pencil at the table, making it roll off the edge -then replacing it on top of the book again. rolling, rolling, rolling, roll. catch. replace. rolling, rolling, ro. FOCUS! sometimes im like a child. u cant get me to do or say anything at all that make sense. sometimes, like i was yesterday. going to do the test now in 10minutes, it wont turn out good im afraid cause of my lousy 'reading' yesterday.
hey, what happens if i push this bu..


  • At 19 mai, 2006 13:14, Blogger Regine said…

    easy to put the pic inside the post. it`s 13th icon on the top of the post ur writing. "add image" (lightblue with a green tree or something on it) - bouth r important.. guitar n`drums. hm.busy at school.


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