and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

desember 19, 2006 done.i`ve bought every christmasgift and birthdaygift i had on my list. *puh*
i can almost relaxe - just gotta mail a few of them.
im at work now.. tomorrow and thursday as well - aaand then its CHRISTMAS-holliday =)

saturdaynight i was out with some friends of mine - it was fun! we danced a lot,we met a guy from australia.. so i had to practice my english - ..and it sucks big time. i understand quite much, but to speak freely u know, its.. im.. it also depends on the person im talking to, if english is their mother tounge i think i get a bit many words i couldnt think of.. annoying. but then after some minutes im more calm and it turned out least thats what i think :P


  • At 19 desember, 2006 22:49, Anonymous Anonym said…

    heih!du må gi meg en lyd når du e komt heim da;) eg kom i går, mamma henta meg i byen! endelig ferie!! deilig..:D

  • At 23 desember, 2006 03:22, Blogger Regine said…

    ja fy så godt da va å få ferie! eg gleda meg sånn til julemiddagen at eg får vann i munnen. eg e litt av et matvrak,i know :D


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