and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

januar 13, 2007

seriously.yes,i'm extremely into anatomy and i want to go to medicineschool,to become a doctor someday: but why do i have to learn everything the hard way?i`ve learned a great deal about the human body,diseases and woes.. cause of me and my deferred body
- for once i have something that is quite normal; otitis, only a very intense and acutely kind. i`ve slept 4 hours in 4-5days(oh yes..!) the two last nights has been a nightmare.i`ve never felt this kinda pain before,(and i`ve had a lot of things) - at first i was sobbing, but then crying my tears out like i`ve never cried before.fainted of the pain last night,gone only a few seconds,(sadly). the first night my right ears tympanum cracked, bled from the ear.thursday morning i went to the doctor, i got antibiotic and in the middle of the night, it cracked in the left ear as well. i'm now bleeding from both ears - also, my hearing is gone. i cant say the antibiotic have had any effect yet, even if the dr. said it should be better this morning allready.. (friday)
- i have never been so happy before knowing the fact that: i only have two more
tympanum cracking. - my "pain-thresholds" actually very high - but this was, this is just..


  • At 14 januar, 2007 19:56, Anonymous Anonym said…

    heih!hørtes vondt ut=/ håpe d går over snart!har lest ut den første shopoholiker-boka idag:D *funny* koss går d ellers da?eg ha begynnt i praksis,exciting!må bare gi en lyd om du trenger å komme deg bort litt,alltid velkommen hit;)

  • At 15 januar, 2007 13:11, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Stakkars vakre, gode søstra mi.
    Du kommer til å bli ein utmerka god lege!
    Alt det du har erfart av smerter vil føre til god forsåelse for medmennesker. Men no syns eg det er nok uheldigheiter for deg.
    Bli frisk, og god bedring;)

  • At 15 januar, 2007 14:51, Blogger Regine said…

    sissel: ja d skal eg love deg at d har aldri hulkgrått av smerter før som eg gjorde no, ubeskrivelig,sjuktsjukt smertefullt! ja eg kjem ein tur til bergen snart :)

    maria: wow! du her?! eg e høgst beæra over å ha ein så sjelden gjest og lite teknisk person inne på bloggen min ;)
    ja no e eg dritlei for å sei da mildt - og idag hos legen gav han meg dommen 3-4uker til før hørselen blir normal.
    *rive seg i håret*

  • At 23 januar, 2007 02:55, Blogger Ramin Farahani رامین فراهانی said…

    hi regine, how is life? back on your weblog after few days, I watched your pictures. You know very wel how to make exciting photo's of yourself. Any chance to see ya live?:)

  • At 17 februar, 2007 17:55, Blogger Unknown said…

    hello régine, you speak French?
    I fell share chance on your site, you are really a very pretty girl.
    bye from Monaco


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