do you know, and this is a fact:
this is Day nr.2 since i moved here, without rain! ..and i've been living here since the 22th of August. Isn't that sick? i know i'm known for loving rain&storm and everything, but i do have my limits! i've enjoyed to be able to go outside the last days
without the umbrella in my hand, fighting against the wind.it is always rain&wind at the same time, so the umbrella twists, and you look like a fool walking down the street with your hair in your mouth,eyes.. and the wind turning your umbrella inside out. the other day on my way to school, the wind destroyed my umbrella within a few seconds of time,looking like
this, and i had to throw it in the trash. In Bergen.. you should always carry an umbrella in your purse even if it's sunny when you step out - you never know!
Bergen is fabulous on sunny days. it is a city with soul and charm. definitely a city to visit if you've not been here yet.
At 01 oktober, 2007 05:06,
di.di said…
Bergen is fabulous on sunny days. it is a city with soul and charm. definitely a city to visit if you've not been here yet.
if i ever go there... what's nice in bergen...
At 01 oktober, 2007 12:23,
Regine said…
well, i dont know what you interests are.. but you could visit the home of Edvard Grieg (troldhaugen), go to bergen aquarium(seals and penguins playing in the large pools welcome you to the aquarium that has as one of europe's largest collections of fish and invertebrates actually!),you can also go to mount floyen and get the best view over the city..
visit the Hanseatic Museum,it is situated in one of the old trade houses at Bryggen.it is just down the street from where i live now,so i went there some weeks ago. the museum has old interiors from the 18th and 19th centuries.the Hanseatic League had one of their foreign Offices at Bryggen in Bergen from approx. 1360 until 1754. 'Bryggen' is the name of the world famous waterfront in Bergen. the characteristic parallel rows of buildings, with their seaward-facing gables represent a building tradition dating back almost 900 years. the old wooden buildings along the harbor front in Bergen were placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1980.
We also have the Hakon's hall; the largest and most imposing building of the royal residency in the 13th-century. center of Bergen. 600 meters from the fish market.
-- the city is very intimate..narrow valleys, lots of comfortable&snugly cafè's, the white wooden houses.. it is nice to walk around here. Many toursists like the fishmarket, personally i hate the smell of fish -it isn't my favourite-type-smell. There are many special, old churches here to see. Fantoft Stave Church til example. Stave church originally built in Fortun in Sogn&Fjordane in 1150. It is in Paradis, approx. 6 km from center of Bergen.
Ofcourse the fjords are worth to visit.. if you're in Bergen, you should also visit my home-county Sogn&Fjordane, to see more of the fjords, the worlds longest fjord. The region where this deep fjord meets the glaciers and Norway’s highest mountains is considered one of the world's most beautiful travel destinations.
well.. i could go on you know, i guess it's enough for now :)
At 01 oktober, 2007 13:44,
Crashdummie said…
Thank God that out-of-bed-hairdoo works...
but not at work! aaah! Seriously, its the same here in Gothenburg, why even bother trying to do something decent with your hair cuz I always end up looking like cousin It from the adams family anyway ;)
At 01 oktober, 2007 14:14,
Regine said…
crashdummie: haha.. yeah, all the hard work in front of the mirror is just waste of time i guess.but i do it anyway. my hair actually look pretty much the same, always a rufflehead.it goes to my haircut i guess..
At 01 oktober, 2007 16:36,
Magga said…
True and funny!!!!:)
At 01 oktober, 2007 16:43,
Magga said…
Regine, du skulle ha jobba i reklamebransjen!Leste det fine du skrev om min fødeby,(som alle kan høre av dialekta mi-hehe),og om fylket vårt! Helt enig at der,her er MYE å se og oppleve!!
Hilsen Sognemamma som heller ikke snakker sogning!?
At 01 oktober, 2007 19:44,
Regine said…
mamma:ja d blei litt voldsomt.. educational. eg e alltid meir belærende, enn eg e informativ. sogn&fjordane konker ihvertfall ut hordaland på natur og attraksjoner vil eg påstå. å finne bra bilder av sogn var ingen problem, litt vanskligare med bergen syns eg. ja ironisk nok din fødeby ja :D
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