people come, people go
sometimes it feels like i look around with a new pair or eyes.cause even if i've seen it before; it sure looks different, or it is whole new to me. it is weird when it happens. suddenly something attracts me, suddenly i notice something that's always been is more apparent then it used to - i pay attention to it, i listen - and i watch. and the things or people i used to be attentive too; slowly fades away without me noticing, watching the new discovered things and people.
At 03 januar, 2008 02:07,
Anonym said…
hmm! it's interesting to read your profound reflections of daily matters. It annoys me though, when I read it the whole way through thinking it's fascinating and stuff, when I'm finished, I sit there, with nothing left. What happened here, what, and maybe who are you talking about? I Want answers, hoho. But I also sit here with a neat advantage, I'm your brother, I can simply ask you in person =)
At 04 januar, 2008 14:09,
Maria Forsberg said…
Hm.. det var faktisk noke i den duren eg og tenkte på peter.
Regine.. noken ganger henger eg ikkje alltid med sjølv om eg prøver.
Det er så spennende og lese kva du tenker og meiner.
Du er ein spennende og overraskende søster;)
At 05 januar, 2008 15:32,
admin said…
In other words: You don't listen to me anymore! :p Hehe, you've always been very observant. I'm repeating myself, but, you should work in intelligence.
At 06 januar, 2008 13:45,
Regine said…
peter - i think you know what and who i'm 'talking' about (?)
if you always get a aha-experience from what you read, it wouldnt be special in the end..
maria - heheh.. eg e ofte litt vel filosofisk kanskje.det e ikkje så innvikla som det ser ut til.. ikkje alle som forstår det,og det e heller ikkje meininga. eg skjønner ikkje heilt at det kan være spennende når du ikkje forstår det. du e søt du.
erlend - when did i ever listen to anyone? :D
in intelligence?maybe i should..and who knows,maybe i will.but; i'd rather start a spa!!
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