and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

mai 20, 2006

my parents got divorced a few years ago - but it feels like yesterday. cause it still effect me that much. age doesnt matter, u`ll always need ur parents either ur 4 or 40years old (or in my case 21). It is not only parents who needs to know their kids doing allright - we also need to know their ok .. it breaks my heart knowing my mum`s alone. ofcourse she has friends and family supporting her, she is quite busy during the day with her work, big house and garden-
but not having this other person to share everything with, like having dinner with that someone, talking about how the day has been and have breakfast in the morning together. all the small things. to know even if ur alone that ur not alone. my boyfriend recently dumped me,and im torn apart - it was 'only' 7months - she`s been married 30years.i cant imagine how it is - my heart is bleeding for her. i know it must be hard for my dad too, to be that person who`s hurt her and let us down. i love them both - and even if it`s a silly&dupe thought, i ofcourse as their child still wish they`ll get together again and that everything is to be good in the end. it is a struggle. my dad is in ireland n`my mum in seems like im wasting my wishes,but..
if i could have one, just one wish it would not be me to recover my illness, or my lovelife to get back on track. no, if i could have one single wish it would be
that they got back together n` that they`ll love eachother n`live happily ever after. cause their my foundation wall.


  • At 22 mai, 2006 03:00, Blogger Sylvia said…

    Det e ikkje så mange som snakker så varmt om sine foreldre. De fleste foreldre får vel heller høre hvor ubrukelige de e eller hvilke feil de har gjort gjennom oppveksten. Eg tror nok eg hører hjemme blant dem som kritiserer... jaja, eg e ikkje en helgen akkurat, men bra at du har et sånt syn på dine foreldre:)


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