some times, seldom - but sometimes u wake up knowing this day will be tiring. even if u do all the things u use to, the same breakfast, put on the same makeup or ur favourite clothes, even if u do things u usually like to do - it`s not the same. some times everything is a struggle and ur self-confidence is a mess, the mirror is ur enemy and u feel like u r way out of track considering ur goals in life.suddenly u have so much on ur mind,so much to achieve and not the time or strength to fulfill it. the worst thing about these kinda days, is the people around u that doesnt know ur having a bad day, and they react on ur behaviour and doesnt understand why ur in that silly mood.. cause hanging with people who`s having a bad day sucks,i know! and the one who`s having the bad day knows it too - and then it`s even worse. some times i feel like this, and i always try to ignore it,but it`s there all day long, it is a challenge both for me and the people surrounding me. today is a day like that.
At 01 mai, 2006 17:50,
Anonym said…
syns d va ein kjekk tur eg! så d så;) håpe ikj d blir lenge t neste gang! *klæhm*
At 01 mai, 2006 23:36,
BrotuliX said…
i know how you feel (i think)..
i usually call those days sundays..
At 02 mai, 2006 11:13,
Unknown said…
I'm doing ok, had one of those days lastweek sunday. It sucks, I feel very edgy and want to get away from everything. Hope your feeling better.
At 02 mai, 2006 19:30,
Anonym said…
Ja, så du ikke hadde det så godt!Som du sa, vanskelig å vite hva en skal gjøre og si da...
Ha ei GOD uke, ungen min.Må mai bli en fin måned!!!!
Kjærligst mamman din.
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