and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

oktober 03, 2007

guess who's paying me a visit tomorrow ?!

my dear sister, her babyboy and peter (one of my two brothers) is arriving Bergen tomorrow - i can hardly wait. i'm exited to see noa(the baby), i haven't seen him since 18th of May, he is six months old now. he has learned how to sit up by himself, started "talking" and he is quite active i hear. they are staying at my place one night, and then we'r all heading home to Leirvik on friday, home to mum:)


  • At 07 oktober, 2007 20:56, Blogger di.di said…

    Sounds like you’re going to have such a great time with your family around , so I hope that you are. Take care.. have a great sunday!

  • At 07 oktober, 2007 22:13, Blogger Regine said…

    i had a great weekend with my family,i didnt want to leave today.. but i had to. school tomorrow! so now i'm back in bergen!


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