and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

januar 06, 2008

Across the universe

Yesterday i saw 'Across the universe' at the cinema. It is a musical, based on the songs of the Beatles. it was great, i loved it. you should go and see it if you have the chance! (personally i dont like to see the trailer before i see the movie, it divulge too much.but i know most people like to check out the trailer first; press the link if you want to see it.)


  • At 08 januar, 2008 02:30, Blogger di.di said…

    someone just recommended Stardust in his blog, now you recommending another movie... i will try to get both dvds or just download it off the internet.. :P

  • At 08 januar, 2008 10:14, Blogger Regine said…

    yeah,you better do that :)) you will not get disappointed my friend!


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