friday the 13th (iiih-y-yikes)

superstition.. friday the 13th.i dont believe that it`ll bring bad or good luck,but i find the date and day kinda thrilling anyway - always felt that way bout friday the 13th. what about u??
i`v been looking out the window for a while, theres an eagle at the sky."flying" .. it lets the wind take it round and round in circle,resting in the strong wind, it doesnt have to use the wings that much,just sail on the wind, navigate - majestically bird.
At 13 januar, 2006 15:16,
Natigirl said…
I like Friday 13ths as well. hehe everyone is so scared about that date!
No it doesn't mean that you gotta infect me too. Now you need to post 5 secret things about yourself and then infect 5 others so they have to write the top5! :D You can't infect me cause I infected you! ;)
well lately i'm quite fine. well despite the fact, that school started on monday. agaaaaain. hehe
but soon i'll be going to berlin for a classtrip. oh this is going to be fun. hehe
i'm looking for new hot guys on the market as i'm trying to forget about that other guy.
and what about you? any news?
oh...and happy new year to you! it's a bit late I know but anyway.
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