friday i was at work till 12.15, and then me and my brother went to Vikersund(eastern part of norway), 7hours or so by car. a gathering with our sister&her husband,their friends,my brothers fiancé&her friends n`so on. it was at my brother-in-law`s brother`s cabin :D comfy&nice.we had a barbecue.31 ppl alltogether. (not staying at the cabin all of us!) after a late breakfast this morning(lunch) we went to Sarpsborg,where my sister lives - .im going back to førde tomorrow by bus.u c i gotta work monday..but my brother stays a bit longer.i like hot-headed(impulsive) trips..their always successful cause u havent had the time to build up high expectations.. leaving ca. 11.30 tomorrow to oslo, then oslo-førde 14.50.. not there before midnight.not looking forward to the walk from the bus-station to my house late at night though!i have a few pics from my cell, i`ll post them too,but not now.gotta get some sleep.g`night..
on my way to work,walking in the rain 1. this is a pic taken while driving through jø fascinated by the mountains up there. 2 + 3. we had a good time,live-music,fantastic food&candys ofcourse..marshmallows is a must. 4 + 5. my sister,maria 6. this is to be my sister-in-law 7. smashing kids,this is michael&sara. 8.
on my way to work,walking in the rain 1. this is a pic taken while driving through jø fascinated by the mountains up there. 2 + 3. we had a good time,live-music,fantastic food&candys ofcourse..marshmallows is a must. 4 + 5. my sister,maria 6. this is to be my sister-in-law 7. smashing kids,this is michael&sara. 8.
At 25 juni, 2006 19:10,
Anonym said…
Så koselig weekend dere har noe travel , særlig for deg! Fine bilder!!
Håper det ikke blir regn igjen når du skal på jobb,mi søte, energiske datter!Fint at du står på!
At 28 juni, 2006 10:36,
Unknown said…
nice to see your doing better.
At 28 juni, 2006 13:03,
Anonym said…
heisann regine:)
Tenkte på deg, så huska eg denne sida di.
veldig fint å lese om deg...du er ærlig. Håper det går greit på jobben for tida.. Blir det jobbing kvar dag eller?. Det er det for meg..har fri i helgene da..
Hultsfred var supert, som eg sa i meld også:) KUnne gjerne hatt fri litt lenger, men må jo tjene litt penger også. Har igrunn vært småsjuk etter hultsfred..skikkelig forkjøla..kjedelig. Silje kjem heim på lørdag så det gleda eg meg til:) såg dere hadde en fin bål og greier. Eg og ragnhild gjorde ingen spesielt, var hos ei vennine og såg film, og spiste snop:)Må finne på noko en dag..(typisk ting folk seier men blir aldri noko av, men eg meiner det.) Skal inn til førde på fredag å fjerne visdomstann, men er aldri i toppform etter det..så vet ikkje om det er noen ide.) men vi kan jo snakkast seinere ,
ha en fin dag:)
klem Åshild
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