and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

august 04, 2006

it`s totally been the best summer in 60 years i`ll assure u - the weather`s been fabulous - to bad im working all day :D today im off at 12.15, jeey! my brother`s getting married sunday, going home tonight.. either i`ll take the bus or i`ll get a friend to pic me up. i guess it`s ful chaos home at my mums place, it`s going to be a garden-wedding, intimate and cozy. i have not had any holliday, just been working.. i had 6 days at the hospital a few weeks ago - it was oh so boring. (pics beneath this post, examined of heartdiseases, and my scooter,my beloving vespa.. isnt it hot?;) well , i gotta work now - MUCH to do!