Om meg
- Navn: Regine
- Sted: Norway
i'm a shopaholic.i enjoy long breakfasts in the morning without beeing properly dressed,i'm fascinated by candlelight storm and fire! i am sugar-addicted.i like rain ,shaved skin,movies, the autumn, ,geography,mountains & fjords,anatomy,high heels, mist,lp-records, wildflowers,and to go hiking. i'm always up for a cup of tea. i love music! (read:rock'n roll) i like men that knows how to handle a guitar and who can sing.i'm interested in interior&fashion!! i also like hot chocolate,to travel, dance&party,knowledge, licorice,blankets, and to write with a pencil.i'm embarrassingly affraid of spiders and other insects. i love old-fashion clothes&style. i like details.
Previous Posts
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At 18 januar, 2007 15:35,
Crashdummie said…
Powerful pics regine, well done! The nature pics looks so soothing and calm, almost fairytalish ;)
At 18 januar, 2007 18:43,
Anonym said…
Wonderful pics Regine.
At 18 januar, 2007 20:13,
Ramin Farahani رامین فراهانی said…
it seems like another planet, strange scandinavian lighting, how do you call it acctualy?
At 18 januar, 2007 20:43,
Ramin Farahani رامین فراهانی said…
hi Regine, I couldn't find any email on your weblog, so I reply here: I mean the dark-light effect which is something between day and night, the hour of wolf or something like that in English. They call it in Dutch: schemering, I think. is there a norwegian name for this kind of light? It is caused by the very slow sunsets and sunrises in countries close to northpole. (you can reply to raminbox at yahoo dot com)
At 18 januar, 2007 21:20,
Regine said…
crashdummie:you think?well,thank you:) fairytalish?yeah they kinda do.
rose: im glad you liked it!
ramin farahani:
yes, in norwegian we call it "skumring" -
in english it`ll be.. dusk, gloaming, nightfall, or twilight i think.
At 19 januar, 2007 04:13,
di.di said…
Interesting pix - to say the least.
At 19 januar, 2007 05:00,
Dan said…
Came here from Crashy's site. I like this collage -- it's very energetic!
Cool stuff!
At 19 januar, 2007 16:32,
Peter said…
very nice Regine.. indeed! =) you know, a picture says more than a thousand words =)
At 19 januar, 2007 16:46,
Regine said…
dr@ama div@a: i actuallythink the pics r quite normal&a bit boring, im surprised you all liked it. just pics mixed together from the ususal drive back&forth to the city.
dan: yeah,some think their peaceful&some think their energetic. interesting how differently we see&construe things.
peter:well then. 22 pics alltogether. or 20 actually since i put two of them in there twice.
- thereby this photo colage will tell you more than 20 000 words !
it is a great pic, isn't it?:D
At 23 januar, 2007 12:31,
admin said…
Artig bildemontasje. Kva program brukte du?
At 23 januar, 2007 14:30,
Regine said…
Kva program eg brukte på biledmontasjen?
hm.. trur kanskje d va microsoft photo editor eller noke sånt?eg huske ikkje.ka då?skal du lage sånn du og no kanskje?? :D
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