and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

mars 12, 2007

i was thinking the other day about hair, and that the weird
thing about it, is that people will touch other people's hair.. you'll
actually kiss another human being, right on the head. but, if one of those hairs
should somehow be able to get out of that skull, and go off on its own, it is
now the vilest, most disgusting thing that you can encounter. the same hair.
people freak out. i freak out.
"there was a hair, in the the egg salad!"


  • At 12 mars, 2007 23:31, Blogger Magga said…

    yes, I have heard people scream about this a lot of times!!
    If the hair comes from one in my family, I don`t take too much notice of it, actually.But some people do!And SOME persons see every single hair out of place,like on the table, on the bread and so on!Right, Ginus?!
    I don`t see too well, I think, so I have surely eaten a lot of those "things".But never mind!I am still alive :)

  • At 13 mars, 2007 14:49, Blogger Maria Forsberg said…

    Ja, det stemmer.
    Det er rart det der, eg reagerer og syns det er så fælt med hår på kåpa mi, skjørtet el gulvet for den del. spesielt ekkelt på bade gulvet.

  • At 13 mars, 2007 23:03, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I don't have a habbit of screaming about a hair if it's the hair of someone I like, love og have loving feelings about.
    BUT if the hair is from someone I don't know, it's revolting.
    I can't imagine you kissing the head of a person you don't have feelings for.

  • At 14 mars, 2007 12:28, Blogger di.di said…

    yeah, that makes sense! TQ for bringing this issue up ..

  • At 15 mars, 2007 13:37, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    Guess it's all about wanting to be the one in controll - you chose to touch their hair or kiss it´, unlike when you find it in your food or in the sink..

    iiih! hehehehe

  • At 17 mars, 2007 02:33, Blogger Regine said…

    magga:yeah i know, i freak out. it is is! i dont understand that you dont feel the same way!!

    maria: på kåpa? det e jo ikkje ekkelt,syns du? det e meir irriterande,og lite fint og ødleggende for et antrekk. men hår på badegulvet, dEt syns eg og e ekkelt. *grimase*

    anonymous: you are so right, i wouldnt kiss the head to a person i didnt like.. but then again, if i got his/her hair in my soup it would feel like puking.

    drama div@: yeah,im glad its not just me who feel this way about it. a loose hair in the food or drink is completely wrong.

    crashdummie: Word!! in the sink, uhh.. loose hair shouldnt go wander around.not in the sink, or the bathroomfloor, or in the food/drink or mouth!!


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