and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

februar 14, 2007

the bad thing about television is that everybody you see on television is
doing something better than what you're doing,right? did you ever see anybody on TV
like just sliding off the front of the sofa with potato chip crumbs on their
face? some people have a little too much fun on television: the soda
commercial people - where do they summon this enthusiasm?? have you seen them?
"we have soda, we have soda, we have soda", jumping, laughing, flying through
the air - it's a can of soda. have you ever been standing there and you're
watching TV and you're drinking the exact same product that they're advertising
right there on TV, and it's like, you know, they're spiking volleyballs,
jetskiing, girls in perfect shape with smashing guys .. and im standing there
- "Maybe im putting too much ice in mine."


  • At 15 februar, 2007 01:35, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hva med TV-serien "The King of Queens"? Man ser jo rett som det er at hovedpersonen sløver foran TV'en med chips på genseren ;)

    men.. godt poeng likevel :)

  • At 15 februar, 2007 07:11, Blogger admin said…

    Godt observert Regine. Solo prøvde jo seg på en reklameserie hvor de sa "hjelper ikke mot annet enn tørsten", men det solgte ikke så godt.

  • At 15 februar, 2007 10:06, Blogger Da Hai said…

    Du treff alltid spikaren på sant so da e sagt!

  • At 15 februar, 2007 17:07, Blogger Magga said…

    Ja, du kan få sagt det du, Ginus!!
    Husker du rundstykket mitt på kafeen?
    Eg berre "spyr"!Smuler overalt!!Gøy...

  • At 17 februar, 2007 14:03, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    You can NEVER have too much ice in your soda ;)

  • At 17 februar, 2007 16:33, Blogger Maria Forsberg said…

    Ja, eg skjønner ha ha
    Det er da ein lurer på korleis det går an å vise så mykje glede eller reaksjon av ein slurk med brus.
    Vi er meir nøkterne i virkeligheita.


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