i've been a substitute teacher at primary school.intensive day - but i like it.
the kids think that you know everything, that you can answer all their questions.. help out with anything without any hesitation. they are not aware of the fact that in 10-15 years they'll probably not be as good in norwegian grammar as they once were.. or still write the calligraph writing, but a more mixed one.
i have taught kids about birds. (i dont even like birds,i cant say i find them interesting at all.)
i have been sawing planks.my fingers are sore.
i have been knitting (some of the girls wanted to finish some knit-work they had in their closet, mothersday-gifth.)
i have (tried) writing perfectly calligraph writing (lykkjeskrift) on the blackboard, it is hard to make a template when you dont feel you're doing it quite right.. (you should see the surprised little faces when i had to look in the book at some of the letters i was unsure of.)
i have played basketball.
the kids think that you know everything, that you can answer all their questions.. help out with anything without any hesitation. they are not aware of the fact that in 10-15 years they'll probably not be as good in norwegian grammar as they once were.. or still write the calligraph writing, but a more mixed one.
i have taught kids about birds. (i dont even like birds,i cant say i find them interesting at all.)
i have been sawing planks.my fingers are sore.
i have been knitting (some of the girls wanted to finish some knit-work they had in their closet, mothersday-gifth.)
i have (tried) writing perfectly calligraph writing (lykkjeskrift) on the blackboard, it is hard to make a template when you dont feel you're doing it quite right.. (you should see the surprised little faces when i had to look in the book at some of the letters i was unsure of.)
i have played basketball.
At 10 februar, 2007 13:48,
Maria Forsberg said…
Det er ingen enkel jobb og steppe inn som vikar og være allvitende:)
Du er tøff som gjør det.
Eg baker skillingsboller, må prøve noke nytt. Målet er alltid og lage betre bakverk.Husker du dei vi smakte på mormors kafe i gamlebyen?
Dei smelta på tunga... skal prøve å lage dei i dag. Ønsker deg god helg.
Bake du også?
At 11 februar, 2007 00:34,
Regine said…
Nei d ska eg love deg! men praktisk å få oppfriska sånt då som lykkjeskrift,hekling,saging(!),basketballregla,lært litt meir om fugla.. osv
korleis blei skillingsbollane? ja dei vi åt på 'mormors kafè' i gamlebyen va kjempegode,
fikk du d til?
ja blir litt baking imårra,
til mamma.
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