and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

mai 11, 2007

Have a fantastiC weekend ;)

long day at work. 08.00 - 20.00. 1 hour to go..
the sun is shining outside..and here i am sitting in my office shivering and drinking tea, cause of the aircondition system.


  • At 12 mai, 2007 08:47, Blogger Magga said…

    Stakkars deg Reginemor som måtte jobbe så lenge.Godt det er fri og helg nå.Slapp godt av da og gå litt tur!
    Jammen er du flink og står på!
    Klem fra mamma på Ospehaugen

  • At 13 mai, 2007 17:33, Blogger Peter said…

    hehe. morsom detalj! =P sjekk bloggen min! og sjå ka eg ha vert utfor;)

  • At 14 mai, 2007 08:02, Blogger di.di said…

    hope your monday is a lil bit better than last friday!!

    happy monday!!

  • At 15 mai, 2007 12:43, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    Talk about a loooooong monday. But then again, it will be a short week for you guyz to the "Norges nationaldag" on thursday.'

    How do you guyz celebrate it anyway?

    Cheers Regine!


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