Om meg
- Navn: Regine
- Sted: Norway
i'm a shopaholic.i enjoy long breakfasts in the morning without beeing properly dressed,i'm fascinated by candlelight storm and fire! i am sugar-addicted.i like rain ,shaved skin,movies, the autumn, ,geography,mountains & fjords,anatomy,high heels, mist,lp-records, wildflowers,and to go hiking. i'm always up for a cup of tea. i love music! (read:rock'n roll) i like men that knows how to handle a guitar and who can sing.i'm interested in interior&fashion!! i also like hot chocolate,to travel, dance&party,knowledge, licorice,blankets, and to write with a pencil.i'm embarrassingly affraid of spiders and other insects. i love old-fashion clothes&style. i like details.
Previous Posts
- guess who's paying me a visit tomorrow ?!
- Reply to Drama Diva
- do you know, and this is a fact: this is Day nr.2 ...
- it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away ;)
- i miss Førde.. i knew i'd miss it - but not as muc...
- here are som pictures from my birthdayparty with s...
- did you know?
- i had so much on my program yesterday,and i didn't...
- i found this smashing cafè,you have nooo idea!!
- No titlE
At 08 oktober, 2007 15:52, di.di said…
wow, another new addition to the family... congratulations.. half chinese??. yeah, i can see it from his eyes..
At 09 oktober, 2007 12:45, Regine said…
At 10 oktober, 2007 17:40, Anonym said…
Den korrekte "tittelen" blir vel halvbror, stebror er vel betegnelse for inngiftet familiemedlem? Men søt!:-)
At 11 oktober, 2007 15:12, Crashdummie said…
Omg he's totally adoreable, just like his sis :p
so, what names are you guyz thinking of?
At 11 oktober, 2007 16:25, Regine said…
lucky:ja, du har heilt rett :) antar at dei fleste skjønte det.
crashdummie: hehe.. yeah he is. no, i dont think they've found the a name yet. or, maybe they have, i havent talked with dad in a few days. i'll let you know when i know =)
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