and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

november 28, 2005

"What did u learn on school today?"

My class r out this week, having internship at either a doctorsoffice, dentist or a assistants/secretary`s. Me? , I'm stuck at school.. but I'm Ok with it. I`v been away alot lately,and gonna try to do everything they been trough in every subject the last month - and also prepare myself till the big tests coming up. but i have to admit,i have never felt more extempore in any schoolsemester before ever.even if i have shown up and been in class/school more this year then last year i feel like i havent learned shit this time - i find many of my subjects interesting, so i dont understand why i'm this empty inside.. but i think that the teachers i had the year before was much more eager and "into" the subjects they teached in and therefore they got my attention and me wanting to learn more about it too. ofcourse,i shall not blame the teachers for everything,i dont - but it surtenly has got to do with my class knowing so little in every subject.. cause it`s not just me, but the others as well,even if they`v been there all week after week they feel like they know 'nothing'. i got an 6 (1 is worse and 6 is the best ;) on my final exam the schoolyear before this - i'm quite a perfectionst, and i always expect the best from myself..kinda annoying,cause i simply have to realize i`v been away alot,and my health is not good and so on.. and u cant do best all the time.noone else r pushing me,but me.but i'm sure i wont get the best grade this time,that would be odd.. but the 6 i got on my exam in june was surprising as well,so who knows.i`ll do my best.. i cant do no more.


  • At 28 november, 2005 10:25, Blogger Unknown said…

    You seem like an awesome person to me, why do you see yourself as anything less? Since you don't know me from a bar of soap and I'm a million miles away whats the harm in telling me where this self doubt comes from

  • At 28 november, 2005 10:48, Blogger Unknown said…

    The cardio vascular system awesome! I'm impressed what exactly are you studying (as a whole I mean). I'm currently at work, it's a very slow day. It's 11:48 here

  • At 28 november, 2005 11:06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Thats brilliant, wow. I worked as a paramedic while in highschool but thats about it for my medical knowledge. How many years will it take you, oh and of coarse what are you specialising in?

  • At 28 november, 2005 11:09, Blogger Regine said…

    oh,it will take me mANy years.if everything goes by the plan i'm done when i'm 29yearsold!UH.. (now im 21)..just 8 years left, tss..noproblemo:P
    i actually just wanna be a doctor in a little village,i dont feel the urge to specialise in anything, but if i should it had to be a rare disease,or in myself and my sickness that no doctors finds out about.

  • At 28 november, 2005 11:35, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ouch that'll be awhile, good luck though. What sickness do you have that no doc knows about?

  • At 28 november, 2005 12:35, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ouch that doesn't sound like much fun, you seem to be handling it well. Have you gotten used to it? How do you cope with studies with this condition?

  • At 28 november, 2005 13:01, Anonymous Anonym said…

    hey! good luck on your papers=) må gjøre meg klar til jobb snart.. *blæh* bare 3 uker igjen,men er sååå klar for en ferie! så kan eg slappe av, gjøre gøye ting, anything I want to, or not:p
    men ser fram t neste helg, da bør du komme! heheh..schnakkez *klem*

  • At 28 november, 2005 13:27, Blogger Unknown said…

    You have way more courage and conviction than me. I don't know if I could handle that work load with that condition. I tip my hat to you Regine

  • At 28 november, 2005 14:19, Blogger Unknown said…

    LOL It's sunny here, all the time one of the great things of this country is it's perfect weather nearly year round. Sorry ;-)

  • At 28 november, 2005 14:39, Blogger Unknown said…

    Chow Regine, Enjoy your night. From the guy with a t shirt on ;-)

  • At 28 november, 2005 15:07, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hej! Som lovet lige en lille hilsen, når jeg nu alligevel er her (: Skal nok lige tænke lidt på dig mht. eksamen helbred osv... KIM LARSEN rocks!! Det var bare en go koncert... Nu er det bare hverdag igen, og for at det ikke skal være løgn har jeg vagt i weekenden, og skal grave hul på fredag! ): Tog tidligt fri i dag, og har været ude at købe julegaver til det meste af familien. Igen i år har jeg sprængt mit gave-budget, men hva'? Det er jo det samme hvert år... Har købt bøger, tøj, kogekande og en brødrister! Så får de lige det de ønsker sig! Ha det godt Regine!
    Hilsen Steffen


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