and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

januar 24, 2006

hi u guys
i know i'v been seriously slack lately, as i said earlier, i'm kinda sick of blogging,it`s a bit boring, and i also think that since my health`s been better then ever,i'v had other things to do then blogging;O ..cause when i'v had sparetime at school i'v been running around instead of sitting at the same place and nerding at the internet- i'v had energy to do other stuff. yeah my health is pretty good, i have not fainted, i have not as much pain as i used to and i actually sleep :) it`s odd, i feel`s like a tickle all the time,or i cant describe it,i dont know what it is-but it`s a new feeling.or maybe it`s a normal feeling,beeing,but i just havnt been able to feel it before cause of all the troubles?dunno,but i'm doing quite fine =)

this morning we overslept, usually get up (or wake up) at 07.00, but it was 08.42 this time.
record of sleep for me this night i think . for a very long time. i think maybe 6hours or`s oh so wonderful. he is good for me.


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