and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

oktober 11, 2006

i`ve always wanted to be a brunette. it`s more respect out of a brunette then a blonde. the last couple of months i`ve talked about color my hair.. but everyone tells me: Dont! - i dont want it to be dark brown, but a ..chestnut-color. since i didnt get any support all these times i brought it up i am now too chicken to go ahead and do it.. maybe i get the spirit again later - i would like to know how it looks, if it suits me better. i`ll try it one day, one day. (what do u think then??)


  • At 11 oktober, 2006 20:30, Anonymous Anonym said…

    prøv,livet er for kort til å ikke tørre og farge håret sitt!Du blir nok veldig fin skal du se.

  • At 12 oktober, 2006 10:09, Blogger Regine said…

    hm.. janei eg veit ikkje.

  • At 12 oktober, 2006 11:19, Blogger Verge Das Neves said…

    No dont do look amazing as a blond.
    My fantasies will be crushed...dont do it.


  • At 12 oktober, 2006 19:31, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I like the blond tone very much! ...blond is beautiful ;)
    But maybe you could try a's out after 8 hairwashes ;)

  • At 12 oktober, 2006 21:54, Blogger Natigirl said…

    i'd love to see you as a brunette. especially now in winter time the warm colour will just look great!

    plus your eyes will be even more in focus which would be great!

    you should really try it!

    btw: you know what they say: "brunettes have more fun!" or was it blondes? xD naaaahhh brunettes!!!

  • At 13 oktober, 2006 00:54, Blogger Regine said…

    sara: i dont dear to risk color it myselfe - i`ll c a hairdresser thats for sure.

    natigirl: u think? hm..
    its so frustrating, i cant seem to make up my mind. back and forth,back and forth.. i want to try it. but then, if i want the blonde color back, it wont be that easy - i`d have to color it 2-3 times to get the right, same color again.. both expensieve and slowly.
    i think i shall go c a hairdresser and ask for their opinion..

  • At 13 oktober, 2006 19:30, Anonymous Anonym said…

    hey!har hatt en brun hårfarge liggende her i et par år no..heh..ikj tørt å prøve d enda, men den går ut etter 3vask dah.. så ikj så farlig om du gjør det heime el hos frisør, varer jo ikj så lenge det blir for gale så er det bare å ta fri fra skolen et par dager..;)
    trur du hadde blitt fin med brunt hår, gøy med litt forandring dah!

  • At 15 oktober, 2006 14:45, Anonymous Anonym said…

    go for it :)Blir sikkert fint det:) Viss ikkje så er det alltids nåke som heiter avfarging hos frisøren:)

  • At 17 oktober, 2006 18:05, Blogger Regine said…

    sissel: maybe we should try in the weekend when ur here? :D

    henriette: ja d e jo d.. men uansett, d kan bli både dyrt og ta tid.. eg bør bare hoppe i d - men d e så mange som advarer meg :O

  • At 18 oktober, 2006 22:53, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Du er fin som du er!!Mener det!

  • At 28 oktober, 2006 18:18, Blogger Regine said…

    eg veit eg e fin ja, men.. :P nei,men,ja.. kanskje eg ikkje ska tulle md naturen og ha min naturlige hårfarge..


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