and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

mai 19, 2007

Is your glass half full or half empty?Why do we keep bad memories, why do we store boxes and boxes of them in here? *poking my head with a finger* if a person stings you with this awful comment, someone roll their eyes at you, or maybe you’ve heard that this silly girl you know spread some untrue roomers about you – you store it up there. .and even if you pretend to not care - you do. Trust me on this: it’s there. Oh yes. I mean.. maybe you’ll laugh it away for a year, or you just refer to the person as a bitch and pretend to let it go.. but no, you didn’t. Suddenly, like lightning from a clear blue sky: its back.

Why is it that we only believe the negative things people say about us? No matter how much evidence to the contrary. A neighbour, a face, an ex-boyfriend can cancel out everything we thought was once true. When it comes to life and love, why do we believe our worst reviews?The truth is at any moment, someone somewhere could be making a face about you.. but it’s the reviews you give yourself that matter.


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