and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

april 02, 2008

Here are som pictures from easter :)

This is our view through the kitchen window.

My brother Peter (in the corner to the right), has taken all the photos.

i dont know if you notice, but it was a tired gang.. i think it shows on the pictures. Noa is in his most active stage, and we had the flu. the weather was quite windy,rainy..and actually so bad that we almost didn't go out all week! we managed to see a couple of movies together, we played games, the boys played football..and we chilled out together with a cup of tea,and snacks. And we had many delicious meals as always :)

..despite the sickness, the lousy weather,and Noa being RAMBO around us (it is not his fault, he is in 'that age') i had a dashingly fine easter! (even if he is Rambo i adore him, he is such a smart kid.)
- maria and i talked about it.. it is tradition that we are sick when we get together:P it is typical to get the cold, flu in the fall when we usually have a week holliday in october and visit them, and the same thing in the winterholliday in february..and then it is easter, and finally in the summer we can DO things,and everyone is healthy(at least the others) so.. i guess we are used being ill around each other, we make the best of it - and i think everybody had a blast this easter ;)

we missed Erlend and June - however i have to admit, we are a big family - and it can be kind of chaotic some times.. the house isn't big enough anymore when my siblings have a husband/wife and kids + that my grandma came on a visit for four days. And still Peter and i haven't met the right person yet, and when we then it'll get crowdy! but it is so much FUN too.
i love having a big family.. and bigger it shall be.


  • At 02 april, 2008 23:27, Blogger Magga said…

    Yes, it was a really nice and joyful time we spent together, in spite of illness, bad weather and so on.As I look at the photos I feel grateful and happy for all of you dear-ones in my big, wonderful family!
    Regine , you are really clever making photopages like this!
    Love from you mum

  • At 03 april, 2008 13:05, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Wonderful pics and well written post! Missed you all of course. But we'll se you in may.

  • At 06 april, 2008 10:45, Blogger di.di said…

    in this case, size does matter!! the more the merrier...

  • At 06 april, 2008 19:42, Blogger Maria Forsberg said…

    Du setter som vanlig dei riktige orda på det. Morsomt å se så naturlige bilder av korleis vi hadde det sammen. Det var akkuratt som eg var der.
    Vi hadde det kjempe koselig uansett.. det har vi alltid bare vi er sammen!!!!!
    Savner dere kjempe masse!

  • At 08 april, 2008 15:43, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    omg du verkar ha en alldelles underbar mysig familj regine!

    The more the merrier eh? Or is it marrier, found your prey yet? ;)



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