and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

juni 04, 2007


I have a thing that is kind of silly and embarrassing to admit, but I’m officially the type of person that keeps track on my neighbour’s life. Oh yeah. You know, I couldn’t care less. But then again, they do so many silly things really, and when I sit in my sofa I look right ahead at their house. It’s a family of 5 persons. Like today for instance, they are flagging with a blue flag with some kind of yellow and red symbol. They do that in between. I don’t know why, I don’t know this flag, and it’s killing me that I actually care. They keep a tent in the garden, pretty close to the house.. im thinking it must be the man of the house who's ass being kicked out inbetween and has to sleep in the tent. - I’ve lived here for what.. Nearly 3 years now and their still not replying my ‘hello!’, ‘morning’, ‘hi’, even smiles. I don’t think they are arrogantly, their in their own world. I do get the looks though, like I’m insane or something. I don’t think they like people very much.
Do you have any weird neighbours? Or are you the type who’s got no clue of how the person living next-door to you, even look like?


  • At 04 juni, 2007 09:02, Blogger di.di said…

    Good fences make good neighbours!

  • At 04 juni, 2007 12:22, Blogger Peter said…

    (I'm the "other" Peter)

    Different experiences, but as I told on my blog there is now a yearly European Neighbours Day event, taking place end May. Where I live now since some three months only, somone took the intiative to organise a nice party in the court yard and we all brought our stuff (I brought the champagne of course). It was really nice and I guess it helps in a better understanding and tolerance against noice or whatever you may consider as disturbance.

    No photo of the flag? Maybe some blogger can help you to get rid of the frustration not to know?

  • At 04 juni, 2007 15:12, Blogger Christo Gonzales said…

    I have to know what people around me are doing....

  • At 05 juni, 2007 23:29, Blogger Magga said…

    Sett opp et lite flagg av og til du og!!Flagg for det fine været eller for at du er glad, eller for at du får meg på besøk-hehe!
    Kanskje naboene dine spør deg om hvorfor du flagger.Så har dere plutselig kontakt!
    Hilsen flagg-glad mim

  • At 06 juni, 2007 01:04, Anonymous Anonym said…

    den var god!lag ditt eget flagg;-)
    hehe..det virker litt rat da..lurer også på vilket flagg de har... ta bildet av det da:P

  • At 07 juni, 2007 09:41, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hej regine!

    Tak for hilsnen

    Jeg skal arbejde med alt forekommende indenfor bygge/anlæg. er ansat på 60 timer om ugen, så det blir ik meget andet end arbejde!
    Ellers er der rigtig gode muligheder for fjeldture, lystfiskeri osv, så jeg kommer ikke til at kede mig!
    Ha det godt


  • At 07 juni, 2007 13:27, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    I think I’m the weirdo in my neighborhood… and I kinda like it! But I’m a friendly weirdo who always shines up and smiles and goes “Hej-hej” to everyone.. hehehe

    Hmm, you know what, take a pic of that flag and post it – someone might be able to help you to solve that mystery.

  • At 07 juni, 2007 22:37, Blogger Natigirl said…

    i have a very good relationship to all my neighbours. we live like in some sorta "neighbourhood" with 10 houses very close together and sometimes we have a bbq together or just sit in the garden and talk. it's very familiar! but yeah some of them are also kinda weird. i don't talk to them cause they seem really weird. totally. they scare me! lol but i still say hello and i think it sucks that your neighbours don't greet you especially after 3 years!!

  • At 11 juni, 2007 10:57, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hei. Takk for sist. Va veldigt koselig på tangen på lørdag;)

  • At 13 juni, 2007 10:08, Blogger Dizzie said…

    I used to have one that looked at me through binoculars... that's weird, if anything!

  • At 14 juni, 2007 09:33, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    No hart, thats creepy! I warned ya, pull down the blinders/curtains when you change.. but would you listen?

    And regine, the flag offer is still on

  • At 23 juni, 2007 08:49, Blogger Regine said…

    drama div@: word!!

    peter: i tried to take a photo, but its kinda hard to take on and be descreet at the same time.

    doggybloggy: really.. why?

    magga/mamma: høhø.. eg ekje interessert i komme i kontakt med dei egentlig - og ikkje e eg tenkt å lage meg mitt eget flagg heller. men det e jo det eg misstenke dei for.. kanskje det bare e flagget dei har på gården, flagger til tider og utider e jo aldri noke mønster eller logikk i det.

    cat: hehe.. eg skal tegne det!

    steffen: ok.. noke heilt anna enn det du har jobba med før vel? er ikkje du brannmann? Sikkert godt med forandring og nye omgivelser for en stund:)

    crashdummie: i would take a pic if it was as easy as you all think it is.. but they are outside, around the house all day.. the kids, or the father in the house (farmer).. so it looks kinda silly to walk towards the house, stop, pull out the camera or the phone and snap a picture right in front of them..

    natigirl: aww.. sounds like a cozy neighbourhood!!

    Øyvind: ja, takk for sist du ;)

    heart of darkness: thats kinda creepy and destroying all privacy!

    crashdummie: hehe.. yeah i hear you girl ;p ill put in a new post soon with a pic/drawing.


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