and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

juli 14, 2007

i have almost recovered =))
me and my girlfriends are going to rhodos soon - 15 days to go. e-juhuuU!


  • At 14 juli, 2007 13:45, Blogger di.di said…

    Are you sick?... I hope you'll recover fully soon!

  • At 14 juli, 2007 19:14, Anonymous Anonym said…

    NiCe!du bør jammen deg bli frisk t me ska reise;p berre 2veke igjen!:D *wohoo*

  • At 15 juli, 2007 16:46, Blogger Regine said…

    drama div@: yeah i've had otitis the last 2 weeks.. i finally feel better! thanks :)

    Sissel: ja, berre da ikkje smelle på flyet - då klikka eg! åh det blir bra å komme seg ned i varmen og ligge på stranda =) looking forward 2 it!

  • At 16 juli, 2007 14:12, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    omg I'm soooooooo jealous right now. Take loadsa pics and upload them... so i can dreama away.

    Bet u and your galpal will have a blast!

  • At 16 juli, 2007 16:16, Blogger Regine said…

    crashdummie: i will! it's going to be sup-erh :))


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