and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

juni 23, 2007

when i bake something new and i like it, i bake it and eat it till im sick off it.. and then, i find a new recipe.. i love these muffins, and i always decorate them the same way. directly translated fom norwegian : i am a habit-person.


  • At 25 juni, 2007 03:53, Blogger di.di said…

    send it over ... i love to try it :P

  • At 25 juni, 2007 11:52, Blogger Regine said…

    hehe, im afraid it'll taste like shit when it finally shows up at your place..
    why dont you come over some time for some muffins?? ;D

  • At 26 juni, 2007 14:08, Blogger Natigirl said…

    yummy they look delicious. you could send me one! it'd only need like 1 day if you send it with express mail! ;)

  • At 30 juni, 2007 00:35, Blogger Regine said…

    yeah, we could try you know..
    then you'll have to give me your homeadress to the psychomaniac-woman me.. im not sure i would do that if i was you :D


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