and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

juli 01, 2007

this is home

yesteday; it was a beautiful day!


  • At 01 juli, 2007 20:54, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    Wohow, U2 rocks! And so do you - wicked pics as always regine!

  • At 02 juli, 2007 10:29, Blogger Peter said…

    Nordic summer is fantastic, but a bit short!!

  • At 02 juli, 2007 12:07, Blogger di.di said…

    Home sweet home.

  • At 02 juli, 2007 12:13, Blogger Regine said…

    crashdummie: yeah - but there is something wrong here, it should play the whole song.. hm.. weird.


    peter: short? naah.. this year we have had FantastiC weather with the highest temperatures i ever have experienced in my life (22,5 years) it's been great since early in may actually.. like 30 C in the shadow.. so this has been a long summer, and its lasting till medio august-early september..
    but ofcourse.. some years we have snow at the national day, 17th of may.. but it makes us apriciate the weather more when its sunny :P

    i like the autumn best.. but i hate winter.

    drama div@: yesss =))

  • At 02 juli, 2007 12:24, Anonymous Anonym said…

    hi regine.....

    i know i havent been commenting often on your blog, but i read it everyday! these pics are beautiful...........what camera do you use?? u have a gmail account....would love to make friends with you :))))) if u dont mind......

    im fida from south africa by the way ...... tata

  • At 02 juli, 2007 13:12, Blogger Regine said…

    fida: wow, really? thanks.. i only use a lousy mobile-camera actually :D hmm.. gmail account?i have the new blog account,if thats what you mean? or.. ? heh :P

    south africa.. neat =)

  • At 02 juli, 2007 15:05, Blogger Maria Forsberg said…

    Wow I get homesick,
    summer in leirvik is beautyful:)
    det ser ut som at du kosa deg der ja.Det minna meg om i fjor sommer da vi var lenge heime og dikta sang til erlend og june sitt bryllup.
    Da satt vi på dei kvite hagemøblane og hadde all verdens tid til frokost, soling scrabble osv merk mine ord: sånt kan eg ikkje lenger.. ivertfall ikkje på lenge.
    I sommer er det ein nydelig skatt av ein baby gutt som tar tida til mamma;)

  • At 03 juli, 2007 08:03, Blogger Dizzie said…

    It's been raining here non stop for over a week... I should turn in my car for an amfibie soon!

  • At 04 juli, 2007 12:12, Blogger Regine said…

    maria: hey sis:) yes it is, and the only thing missing is you&and the rest of the family!
    ja e vel sant det, og når han endelig e vokst litt til og du har meir frihet, så e d vel ein ny 'drittunge' på vei ;)) kanskje ei lita prinsesse.

    heart of darkness: it has? heh, maybe it's not a dumb idea, to turn your car in for an amfibie! i have this funny picture in my head of you on your way to the grocery store in one of those amfibie cars:P

  • At 04 juli, 2007 13:38, Blogger Dizzie said…

    You're just about right - a canoe, a canoe, my kingdom for a canoe...



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