Kversteinsparken i Hyllestad
This park is called "The millstone park". It is 10minutes from my house.
You can experience a stonecutter's life a thousand years ago. Clad in Viking clothes, in evocative surroundings, you can cut stone, be a smith, mill your corn by hand, bake Viking bread on a bonfire, make your own Viking soup and enjoy a shared meal around a crackling bonfire. The visit to stonecutters' camp includes a guided tour of the historical quarry in Kvernsteinsparken (the millstone park) and a tour of the Åfjordstein works, where you can see how the millstone can be used in a new, modern design.The camp is organised for exciting, natural games for children and adults.The visit to the stonecutters' camp is an experience out of the ordinary, allowing you to participate personally in history a thousand years back in time. Many groups, and tourists pay for a day like this.. it is absolutely worth it. you can also walk around by yourself like we did that day, cause it is open all the time.. even if it's not anything happening there it is a beautiful park.
(on the picture beneath is my mum, she is a teacher in the children-school, and they have projects and have been there alot in the park, guiding for tourists and other schools, making viking soup, and bread and all that..)

( For a guided tour; Price Adults NOK 300. Children 5-13 years old NOK 200.
Children under 5 free)
At 16 mai, 2008 22:48,
Anonym said…
exciting! very beautiful nature.. you look great Regine:=)
At 17 mai, 2008 17:02,
Melmo Momoko said…
Thank you for visiting my blog! =)
I love your pictures they are great!
have a nice weekend,too!
At 18 mai, 2008 16:32,
Karoline said…
Så utrolig fint det var der! <3
At 19 mai, 2008 18:15,
den.du.inte.ser said…
hello, my name is alicia, i have a blog to. but i love your blog.
i live in sweden.
At 19 mai, 2008 18:23,
Blomsterplukker, vinterbarn. said…
så fint bilde av deg! Det stedet så koselig ut^^
At 21 mai, 2008 14:48,
ღ Mey ♥¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨♥ღ said…
you´re so lucky!
noeway seems to be amazing
im going to see pictures on google earth now
do you have msn? would you like to talk?
kisses :)
At 26 mai, 2008 04:09,
e. jay said…
Great pix! :-) We don't have anything that cool near my home.
At 26 mai, 2008 22:23,
Crashdummie said…
åååååååååååh wunderbar! vi har ngt liknande här i sverige, gick dit när jag var liten.
vi fick mortla vår egen vete o baka på sten... bröd utan jäst e en sten! hehehe
At 08 juni, 2008 23:18,
MagnusQtie said…
Så kulturerlt :D
At 12 juni, 2008 20:12,
Cate said…
wow, sounds amazing! especially the fact that you can make your own bread and then enjoy a meal with other people (yeah, i'm hungry right now... ^^)
At 13 juni, 2008 10:23,
Ida Granberg said…
kul med många bilder!
At 18 juni, 2008 14:29,
anjaripegutu said…
ingen ting måler seg med litt norsk natur :p hehe .
Kjempe fine bilder :)) :)
At 18 juni, 2008 14:30,
anjaripegutu said…
..jeg linker deg foressten n_n
At 24 juni, 2008 20:20,
ediot said…
fantastiske bilder. elsker norge. norge. snart skal jeg hjem igjen..
hvor bor du?
ha en fin dag og takk for kommentaren på bloggen min :)
At 28 juni, 2008 01:46,
saray said…
great pictures..
At 04 august, 2008 15:01,
di.di said…
seems like u had great fun with your family... :P
At 10 august, 2008 03:33,
Anonym said…
beautiful photos!
At 11 september, 2008 21:27,
choppyshades said…
dette så koslig ut! :)
At 28 februar, 2009 01:56,
Guruizzm said…
Ser utrolig avslappende ut!
At 23 mars, 2009 18:24,
Anette said…
>Fine bilder! :)
At 05 juni, 2009 11:18,
Elisabeth said…
Så koselig!:)
At 18 september, 2009 14:47,
Ricky_Luthor said…
This place is simply awesome, someone have rightly said that nature is the greatest artist of all….
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