and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

april 21, 2008

Velkommen til bloggernes verden,Marte ;)

My dear friend Marte has entered the bloggers world;) it is in norwegian, but still, you can enjoy the pictures;) Check it out!


  • At 24 april, 2008 10:07, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Så himla mysig blogg. För att titta på en annan mysigblogg föreslår jag att du tar en titt på vår blogg!

    Mvh Little Peaché

  • At 25 april, 2008 13:35, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    promototar alla norska bloggare ;)coolt, will check it out


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