and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

august 31, 2007

sometimes i wish i could fast forward time .. just to see if in the end it's all worth it.

august 27, 2007

Fit for fight!

Back to school - it seems like it's going to be a tough year. I feel ready though - my impression so far is good.. the school, the teachers and everything! ..also, I look forward to move in to the new flat on saturday! that'll be fabulous =)
(timeplanen min)

august 20, 2007


This is on the Acropolis - man it was hot to walk "all the way" up to the top in that heat!!

Cause of Sylvias birthday we got champagne from the hotell!! it was a bit of a surprise, this is what i call good service. We also went out to a wild party the next day - i wasnt able to post the pictures from that night ;)) nah,hehe.i guess it's for the best.

I miss the beach. it was lovely. for lunch we had fruitplate as you can see on the picture, yummi!! we went to Lindos by boat one day - some of the pics.on this collage is from lindos, it is basically a holiday resort centred on a small medieval village, topped with a fortified ancient was beautiful - really!

we went to the famous butterfly-valley - i didnt get too much out of it cause of my stupid eyeinfection,but it could have been nice :P
we had a-l-o-t of delicious food in our Rhodos-stay! and not to mention the dessert.Mm-m!

Most of the pics here is from the old-city in Rhodos..the old part. We enjoyed walking around for hours, and it was seriously too many shops we wanted to buy almost every product in! it was also kinda confusing to find the way out, every street and shop looked the same.. it was my favourite-place in Rhodos though- they also had shoppingstreet not far from our hotel, and you could find known shops like "Zara"or "La coste" and so on.

august 19, 2007

my name is Regine - and i'm a shopaholic. if shopping were an olympic sport i’d definitely be the one bringing home the gold.
school is starting on wednesday - this is going to be a year with alot of hard work, and not to mention this is going to be the Year to look back on when i was a very broke student.much more expensieve to live in Bergen, and i dont think i should get a job, cause i have enough with school. or.. on the other hand, i do fancy a job.. like, a shop with shoes or clothes a few days a week ;))

august 16, 2007

Rain,hail,fog and heavy wind - we loved it. fResh!

august 07, 2007

Tsambika Beach

Jassas! (Hei hei)
I dag var vi paa utflukt med Ving til Rhodos finaste sandstrand - det var heilt nydeleg!! det var ikkje saa stappfullt med folk som det er andre plasser, og det gjekk an aa gaa laaaangt utover uten at vannet gikk lenger opp enn til laara..perfekt for smaa soete barn. eg hadde saa lyst aa lage sandslott, men eg hadde ikkje boette og spade, og daa e det ikkje like goey. vi spiste Gyros til lunsj som var litt merkeleg (kjoettet var saa som saa, men det var god chips,tsatziki og salat til) og det var deilig med iskald cola etter noken timer paa stranda. det som e kjipt med arrangerte utflukter som vi var paa no, e jo at det ikkje varer saa lenge, pga.barnefamilier og den slags.. vi drog i 9tida,var framme litt over 10.00 og 15.00 gjekk bussen heim igjen.kunne tenkt meg aa vaert der resten av dagen, for det var saa utrulig idyllisk der. I maarra skal vi til gamlebyen, og torsdagkveld er det gresk landsbyfest paa planen som vi har tenkt aa slenge oss med paa, og fredag er det baat-tur til Lindos - foerste veka har vi meir slappa av og kosa oss, og eg har vaert litt sjuk.. saa no paa slutten blir det litt hektisk der vi har fullt program for aa faa med oss alt vi har lyst til foer flyet gaar soendag kl.13.00. I dag e eg tredjemann i dusjen, saa derfor sitter eg her no rett etter vi kom heim fra stranda.. eg har sand overalt - det var superdeilig med saa finkorna sand,det einaste minuset e at det nesten ikkje gaar an aa faa det av seg; uansett om eg proevde aa vaske meg i vannet foer eg drog,knikka og gnura saa gjekk det ikkje vekk - det maa nok ein del saape til. Etterpaa naar alle tre har dusja og til slutt funnet kveldens antrekk og gjort seg klar (vi har bare to speil paa rommet) saa skal vi gaa langs baathavna og et torg som vi kjoerte forbi no istad med bussen.statuer, borger, torg som selger alt mulig rart.. vi har gaatt saa masse i gatene i byen her at eg e litt lei av det - blir greit med forandring, men egentelig selger dei det samme overalt foeles det ut som. vaeret e TOPP og vi har det supert;)
No maa dei vel vaere ferdig i dusjen der oppe.

august 05, 2007

we now have a place to live - i am SO relieved!! me and sylvia have not seen it yet, but the third girl we'r going to share the flat with has checked it out and we said Yes. it is central, it is not ready before the 1th of September so i have to stay at sylvias place until then.. finally this is taken care feels i can relaxe. e-JUHUU ;)

august 04, 2007

Greetings from Rhodos

i'm not going to write that much,since i'm on a vacation.. i just wanna tell you guys that Rhodos is great! except that i got an eyeinfection, and was blind for a couple of days.. you know me, i always get sick - Dr. Hiotaki fixed me , he gave me antibiotic-eyedrops, and now i feel much better. Besides from me being sick, i love it here. I'll write more when i get back :) and post some pics.