and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

desember 31, 2007

I'm not going to post any more pictures before next year.

Me and Peter had a walk outside earlier today.. it was cold allright! haha..temmelig oppstilte bilder,men det va beinkaldt skal eg sei deg!eg va ein veldig lite samarbeidsvillig modell ;O

I wish you a Happy New Year and a good start into 2008!

desember 30, 2007

tips mot bakrus

ikkje drikk dagen før dagen derpå

desember 29, 2007

Gratulerer med dagen kjære Maria og Helen;)

Håper deke begge får ein SUPER dag!! Love you!

desember 28, 2007

Sometimes, when i hear about people who is dead or about to die, i keep on thinking about death. i don’t worry about whether it is going to be a painful and long death or not. what i worry about is how can you just like that.. not exist? How can I not be? i mean.. i understand it, but at the same time i really don't. i don’t understand that it is possible to not be, not exist, to be actual dead. Buried. Like in not breathing. People die, i know that. i will die some day too – and man.. that is weird. (and if death are as natural as everyone wants it to be, how come most people wont like me writing about it?people die, but i most certainly don't think it is natural, despite everything i know about the human body)

desember 24, 2007

God Jul - Merry Christmas;)

desember 22, 2007

Hvite kakemenn og vaniljesnurrer;))

desember 21, 2007

i won, i won!!

I got mail today; a package from Woman magazine. I participated in a contest, and I won. I won a pair of shoes, and not any kind of shoes.. I kid you not, it is shoes from 'Friis & Company' !! stylish,black, highheeled shoes - comfortable on. even the box they came in was enchantingly dashing! all thanks to woman magazine - you made my day;)

desember 18, 2007

this christmas is going to be different from all the others i've celebrated. we have never been so few before. that's how it goes when siblings get married.. this year both my sister and brother who lives in Sarpsborg are going to stay there with their in-laws.. so it's just me, my littlebrother Peter and mum at home. at first i thought it would be a disaster, a really boring and sad christmas..but then again now when it's closing in, and i am exhausted of school and everything - i am a bit pleased as well.i am looking forward to a peaceful and lazy christmas;) and also at the same time looking forward to next christmas when everybody is gathering again like normal.

i try to take it one day at a time,
but sometimes several days attack me at once

desember 10, 2007

christmas party !

Noa is very active, and it's not long before he can walk by himself!he crawls and he can walk as long as we hold his hands.
- there was 3 babies at the party, all the time one of them was crying, eating or sleeping.. hehe.
it is a lot of fun with babies, charming, cute, but also very noisy and tiring!!
2 babyboys and a babygirl. On the bottom of the collage you can see 3 babies on a row ;
Julian, Leah and Noa :) Julian is my stepbrother, and Leah is my cousin's (Paul Atle) daughter.