..den norske gjennomsnittskvinnen kjøper 3,9 truser i året og 1,8 BH-er? y-yikes.kinda unpleasant.
tomorrow: Mock Exams,wish me luck! it is a case/task,that contains 5 subjects (hygiene, diseases, pharmaceutical, service and ethics + socialinstruction) we got a few sentences from the case this morning,so we can read and write some notes.all we know is that its about a man,36years old.He is suffering from a chronic disease,we dont know what kind of disease.He has had it since he was 8years old.His wife is very supporting, and she says that "its not most important of how u r,but how u`r dealing with it!".Thats about all we know.Go,figure! yeah i know,frustrating!how the f.. should i know what it is this man,Gunnar is suffering from! .. well, i cant write about everything,we cant have more notes with us then 2 sheets of paper,front&back.Limitied cause of the space.I think maybe, maybe it`s diabetes or rheumatism.I sure hope so,cause thats the two diseases i`v written about,i have to write about other subjects too.Thrilling.If it`s asthma or anything else i`v not taking notes of,i`ll be MAD, i`ll be bloody mad i tell ya.Fingers crossed.I just dont wanna have good grades, i want it to be
perfect;O doesnt everyone?On wednesday it`s mock exams in the subject: norwegian.oh joy, what a week..full-time-plan.