and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

desember 31, 2006

it`s the final countdown.. lalala-laaa lalalalalaa lalala-laa..dadadadadadadaaa..its the final.. countdown to New Year 2007. celebrations r in the air with excitement in everyone's heart as we bid adieu to 2006 and welcome New Year 2007.
- spirits r on high with 2007 knocking on our doors. its time for new beginnings and fresh resolutions.

for "all" of my readers out there, party safely tonight. have fun and get home in one piece so you can drop by again tomorrow ;O

desember 30, 2006

toppling saddam hussein did not automatically create a new and better iraq. executing him won’t either.

no e da bråk i vente..

desember 29, 2006

by the way - my sister,Maria is 26 years old today - congratulations! (look at her tummy 1 + 2)
as we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down probably will. you'll have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it is harder every time. you'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke yours. you'll fight with your best friend and maybe even fall in love with them. you'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone close to you.
thats life :P

(i've decided to write the word 'you' in the right way, and not 'u' - but the rest will be written in a relaxed kinda way.. slang-pang)

desember 27, 2006

tired as h... - pic taken right after i got up this morning

desember 25, 2006

yesterday was perfect :)
i had a wonderful christmas eve - the food, the gifts and everything !!

today at 16.00 we`r invited to dinner at my dads sisters-house. My uncle is a qualified and clever cook, and i hope it is elk-meat on the menu! ( he hunt for elks u know and the meat is delicious)
---> even my dad has start blogging now - take a look.

desember 24, 2006

the house is ful - me and my littlebro r sharing room, it is very cosy. he woke me up this morning and said "its christmas, merry christmas Regine" he`s so sweet. i guess u now think he is very young,right?me and my sister&brother keep on doing that.. he is the youngest of us 4, and he do charm us and impress us with everything he say and do - simply because we think of him like younger then he is, but i must say he is a great kid, smart and handsome and soo much more.he is like..special (he is 17!)
-- anyway.. im STARVING..the smells of the dinner "pinnekjøtt" has spread to every little corner in every room in the whole 3 floors of the house. we`r having dinner at 18.30 or something like that.

i`ve bought exclusive food to my fat cat, 'enya' - she almost cant wait either. (i`v showed her the box, and she smelled it and got totally crazy)

I wish u all a nice and cosy christmas eve :)

desember 23, 2006

for those of u who celebrate christmas, please accept my most heartfelt best wishes for a merry holiday to u and urs - for those who do not celebrate christmas, please get lost! (correction: please accept my most heartfelt best wishes to u and urs as well.) ;O

desember 19, 2006 done.i`ve bought every christmasgift and birthdaygift i had on my list. *puh*
i can almost relaxe - just gotta mail a few of them.
im at work now.. tomorrow and thursday as well - aaand then its CHRISTMAS-holliday =)

saturdaynight i was out with some friends of mine - it was fun! we danced a lot,we met a guy from australia.. so i had to practice my english - ..and it sucks big time. i understand quite much, but to speak freely u know, its.. im.. it also depends on the person im talking to, if english is their mother tounge i think i get a bit many words i couldnt think of.. annoying. but then after some minutes im more calm and it turned out least thats what i think :P

desember 14, 2006

Jagshemash (hello)

Borat sagdiyev, kazakhstan's sixth most famous man and a leading journalist from the state run TV network, travels from his home in kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a documentary. on his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. it is sickkk!but, man i laughed!

desember 13, 2006

its been a busy afternoon at work *yaawn*
going to the movies afterwards with sylvia. im off work at 20.00pm, and the movie is on 20.30. as long as i have time to buy a coke im happy.
"BORAT" - have u seen it yet?

desember 11, 2006

fra barnemunn - om 'yrkeslivet'

- Yrkeslivet er vel ikke noe å bekymre seg om så lenge på forhånd. Jeg tar det yrket jeg får jeg. Helst vil jeg bli direktør eller noe sånt. Da får man i alle fall en hel fallskjerm full av penger.
Trym 6 år

- Mamma har bare halv jobb. Resten av dagen er hun ingenting.
Synne Marie 5 år

- Hvis lærerne også hadde jobbet, så hadde ikke barna hatt noe sted å gjøre av seg.
Hanna 7 år

- Moren min bare jobber og jobber for å tjene penger til mat, enda jeg nesten aldri er sulten.
Mathilde 6 år
its been a busy day - but i like it that time to think or feel really.

i`ve been a substitute on school today,5 hours - second grade. it was fun, wild and sweet kids! mum had pizza-dinner ready when i got home, it tasted delicious!
- after that we made white christmas-cookies (hvite kakemenn) - filled up 2 tins with`em - best cookies i`ve ever tasted ('beste i manns minne' som tommy alltid seie om alt.)
- afterwards mum and i cleaned up in the second floor where my sister and husband + brother and wife r staying in the christmas. made the beds and everything ready.

its been thundering&lightning for hours, hail, rain and real windy - i guess thats why i`ve been this effective, couldnt use the computer cause of the weather.. about nerd.. ;O

desember 07, 2006

i got this link from a colleague yesterday at work - its a silly and irritating game. i suck at it - i cant seem to get a better score then 31.4 - only playing cause i wanna beat his score, wich is 32.4. im at work now, the phones keep ringing, no time to this nonsense.
u try it, play, and tell me how high ur score was.