februar 22, 2006
februar 16, 2006
looking forward to get there though, not seen my sister since.. hm, since.. *thinking* since i dont know, yeah that long. maybe october?not quite sure.we r very very close, wish i could c her more often- we have this phone-deal were we call for free to eachother,so we talk kinda often and thats niCe :)
februar 15, 2006
oh - my head is aching. I'v been working real hard with a few tasks all morning, and u know me (or maybe u dont), but i dont take any pauses before i'm done - then i can breathe out and take a break. Writing about several organisations, like the Red Cross. The other writing-task i'm working with is about "communication" , how to communicate in the best, most stable/confident and trusty way. I'm finito with the first one, still workin` on the second one, it needs a bit more polish! but none of them has deadlines before after my winterholliday actually, so then i can relaxe and live life next week without having a bad conscience!I love to be ahead of everyone and everything,who doesn`t when it comes to homework.. But since i'm not taking any spare-minutes outside or in the cafeteria i can go home earlier - so i like to work hard and then go home and be real laZy on the sofa, instead of walking around and killing time in between schoolwork.
..and while writing, real snug`bout myselfe, my teacher came and gave me an new submission in english.. about Queen Elizabeth *caugh* u c, i get all these extra-tasks and submissions cause i'm too clever;)nAh, since i work so hard i finish things before all others,and then i get more tasks to do so that i have something to do all the time . yeah,well.. lets see.. queen Elizabeth..
februar 14, 2006
valentinesday ;O

give ur loved one a bit more attention today -
i know that many norwegians think it's silly, cause it`s an american thing-kinda, newish here and not a matter of course.
but.. i mean, it`s just a marked day for people who love eachother, isn't it more stupid to be 'against' it?
anyway.. i hope u`ll have a niCe day :)
take a look at this, oh how sweet!
februar 13, 2006
it was a bit sunny earlier today,but now it`s gone..
my weekend?yeah it was Ok!I thought i was going to hang out alone, or me and the TV,but Øyvind came fridaynight:D and went saturdaymorning,and then he surprised me and came last night as well i'm glad - saturday was kinda boring,i'm sick of the olymipcs.. 'OL', it`s almost the only thing on TV these days,ski-sports, HOW 'killingly' boring. oh - i'm sleepy.. *yawn* -out-
februar 10, 2006
it's friday people!
anyways.. weekend`s coming up and i have no plans what-so-eva.kinda tragic.but i did try, but my friends r either away for the weekend, they have no money or their sick =/ so i guess i have a date with my TV. the tv and me r gonna have a hell of a fantastic weekend ;O at least i'll try. i'm absolutely not gonna work out in the first days to come - yeah, STIFF i`ll promise u , in my legs and arms.when i'm alone,my walk is like a pregnant woman`s type of walking, seen it eh?
- i bite my teeth together and try to walk like a normal human-beeing when theres people around me. i'm at school now, english-class,maybe i should do my task instead of blogging..
februar 07, 2006
like the garden of Eden

A scientist says "This is the closest we can come to the garden of Eden,here on Earth". An expidition-team has discovered a number of new species in the jungle in Indonesia.
Pics of a frog, bird, bird&the scientist, animal.
i'm not fascinated or anything.. i actually have no idea why i'm publishing this stuff..
februar 05, 2006

... if i were a queen. if i had everything. if i could give you your dreams. if i were on top of it all. then tell me what in the world would i go on for? if i had it all.. . - i'm in a kinda 'philosophical' mood this morning -
Returning to Førde tonight, and my boyfriend is picking me up (i'm gonna take the bus), looking forward to see him and to have him by my side while sleeping;)
A dozen caricatures of the prophet first appeared in September in a Danish newspaper. Muslims consider some of the images particularly demeaning, including one of Mohammed wearing a turban shaped like a bomb with a lit fuse.I have chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam. (i dont dare publishing the drawings,maybe our house would get bombed,who knows)
I feel ashamed on the Muslims behalf, of those who doesnt support the crazy ones attacking everyone.. it must be unpleasant for them,cause i dont think every Muslim agrees on this particularly behavior. well - i could write about this for ages, but i think i'll stop before even beginning, and leave this to the newspapers.
februar 04, 2006
februar 03, 2006

i came home till my mums house, late last night.it`s good to be home, it is so calm and peaceful out here in the 'country', i woke up to birds singing. mum is a teacher,she`s at work.i have had a long nice breakfast with my mum`s homemade bread - delicious. i'v had too much now *grin* yeah,turban-girl (wet hair cause of a shower) outside it`s misty and rainy, my kinda weather. i`m headin`out now,have a fantastiC friday!
februar 02, 2006
going home today,been a while since i`v been there.i miss my mum and my cat.
and my littlebro is coming home too, and my elder brother later.nice to gather once in a while.
looking forward to my winterhollidays coming up, then i'm going to my sister and her husband, not been there for ages!
my cold is better, but still snuffle and caugh.