i`ve bought a scooter, it`s a vespa 125 lx4 - i love the oldfashion style. it`s italien ofcourse, brand new.my helmet is oldfashion as well. not a good picture,but i just snapped it while passing it in a hurry. -- i was shaky allright when i bought it, cause then i had to drive it away from the shop in the middle of town&back to my flat.u c; because i`ve passed the age of 20 i could just buy the certification without any lessons, course or anything!!its wild!its craZy, cause i had no idea.. never driven anything with a motor before. he who sold it to me only showed me a few things. like: "push this botton&press this one in to start it,push here to brake&to gas.ur gonna prime the gasolene into this hole and oil in this one.good luck girl!" iih. yeah i`m a sissy when it comes to things like that, but after two turns in the parking i allready threw myself into the traffic.i`ve taken no theory either.it is so weird that i musnt have any course, i wanted to,but they laughed& said that i didnt have to, and that this was easyer then riding a bycycle :D yeah well, i drove it to work yesterday in the rushtraffic, it was a bit scary but it went just fine actually :) it doesnt move faster then 45km/t maximum, to slow.. i feel like a retard driving at 45 when it`s 60 ur supposed to drive. i`ve heard it`s not any trouble to fix it,"trim" it so it moves faster, but then it is illegal, so i think not!but at the speedometer it goes up to 80, in Italy u can drive that fast i think. if it only could reach 60 i`d be satisfied, cause then i wouldnt be in the way in the traffic or a retard ;O