it is good to be home for the weekend.proper meals, the is healthy to be home.cause then i`m outdoors much more.. in the garden, hiking, at the beach ++ -- sunny n`mellow today. i`ve had 2 days off now, sure felt good. I start school at monday, new school.. Hafstad Vgs (allmenfaglig påbygging) - it`s gonna be tough.. til example: 15hours a week with math! I simply have to tell myself that this`s gonna be real fun.i have to tell myself : I love math. I love it! ..when i buy my mathbook im gonna kiss caress&kiss it ;O
a friend of mine from Bergen,
Sylvia moved to Førde just recently, i`m glad, finally a person to work out & hang out with. i dont know anyone who`s going to study the same as me.. not scary, a bit boring in the start the same time i like that i dont know anyone there.. maybe i know someone too, time will show.hope i`ll meet someone who`s both intelligent n`fun !
well, i cant sit her all day in fron of the computer in this fine weather.. my littlebro`S waiting for me,it seems like it was very boring,cause he`s fallen asleep sweet.gotta wake him n`run, jump into the fjord..then up the mountain n`home till it`s dinner.cant miss dinner.
by the way..
wanna hear some
real music? norwegian guys, but ofcourse!no but, im impressed.. not cause their norwegians, or that they in fact r from the same county as me.. listen, their good. they have this distinctive genre within rockmusic :