I saw
“The Last King of Scotland” the other night.. it is about Uganda when President Idi Amin ruled. It was rough, violent, actually a bit funny in between the action, and it was also educational. If you didn’t see it yet, you should.
I was thinking while I watched it, how little I actually know about Africa. It is the worlds second-largest, and the second most-populous continent after Asia. I know Africa’s geography, I know a little bit about some of the countries. Like the known safaris in Kenya. Aids and HIV. South Africa and gold. Nelson Mandela. The Sahara dessert. Egypt with it's pyramids, the Alexandria library, the river Nile and all the camels. I’ve read about Idi Amin before, so I knew a bit about that. I know about all the poverty, the diseases, people living in lousy conditions. Kids who can’t be kids, but in an age of for example 8 years old, has full responsibility of their siblings and father because their mother died while taking birth.
There are far too many people in this world suffering because of the war & violence, sickness, and poverty. Yes, there is a great deal of people in similar situations in other part of the world like South America, Asia and some in Europe as well. What’s special about Africa is that almost the whole continent is struggeling. My heart bleeds for Africa. For all the people living in the dessert; starving, sick, dying.
If I get to become a doctor some day, I’ll dedicate some years of my life in Africa. I feel pin rotten sitting here in my dry, warm apartment, with a television and laptop. The fridge full of food and drink. A bed, a toilet, all my clothes and shoes and ..stuff. With a bottle of coke in my hand. Counting down the days to my summer Holliday which goes to Rhodos, Greece.
- It makes you think..
It makes you see how perfectly fucking lucky you are to grow up in Norway. Even if you are poor in Norway, it sure is better then being poor in Africa where no system catches you when you fall down.
(im perfectly aware of the fact that Africa is improving in their living-standards, economy, healthcare, education and so on. But there's still too many countries who's not doing so well.)