Vi skal ikkje sova bort sumarnatta,
ho er for ljos til det.
Då skal vi vandra i saman ute,
: under dei lauvtunge tre :
Då skal vi vandra isaman ute,
der blomar igraset står.
Vi skal ikkje sova bort sumarnatta,
: som kruser med dogg vårt hår :
Vi skal ikkje sova frå høysåteangen
og grashoppespelet i eng,
men vandra i lag under bleikblå himlen
: til fuglane lyfter veng :
Og kjenna at vi er i slekt med jorda,
med vinden og kvite sky,

og vita at vi skal vera saman
: like til morgon gry :
directly translated from norwegian ;
We should not sleep away the summer night,
it is to light for that.
Then we shall wander together in the open
under the trees that are heavy under their leaves.
Then we shall wander together in the open,
where flowers in the grass are standing.
We shall not sleep away the summer night,
wich with dew our hair does fuss.
We shall not sleep away from the smell of hay,
and the singing of the grasshoppers in the fields,
but wander together under the pale blue sky
till the birds lift their wings.
And feel that we are of the same kin as the earth,
with the wind and the white clouds,
and know that we shall be together
all the time til dawn.