and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

september 30, 2005


igår når eg og Eldrid kom fram va d rett inn med bagasje og så ut på byn , sisselmargrete va klar som et egg når vi kom. Vi va med sisselm på klassefest-ting,vernepleiere. Det var reservert en etasje, med bar og egen dj og greier :D d var så teit for eg og eldrid vi ELSKER jo å danse og ånse oss til reaggae,rap,r&n-b,blues-musikk , og d va jo nesten bare sånn musikk..så vi som egentlig ikkje skulle være der tok jo heilt av på dansegulvet,vi va ikkje så diskret som planlagt.Nei,vi hadde ikkje drukket noke anna enn cola og vann heller - sunn ungdom. Om eg har meir vondt i ryggen idag?d kan eg skrive under på at eg har, d har vært en smertefull og søvnløs natt. - Sitter i nattkjole med teppe rundt meg og laptop i fanget og nerder. (dei andre sover så klart,e nok ei stund til endå før dei våkne til liv.) Tenkt å koke litt vann, finne meg noke mat og laste ned god musikk på pc`n til Sisselm, hø-hø.. og kanskje sette på ein film. Idag ha eg ikkje så masse plana - kanskje eg ska møte Truls, lenge sida eg ha sett han no..får se ka the girls e up 2 ;O

september 29, 2005

Eg e`kje så flink til å planlegge. nett komt igjen fra fysioterapi,å komme seg inn og ut av bilen(taxien) va litt av eit show.har prøvd å pakka litt,men eg e jo heilt ødelagt i ryggen - ØM ØM ØM i rygg,hofter og beina. . og om noken tima sitte eg på buss til beRgen, å sitte e jo bortimot d verste eg kan gjere no.oh man,im eg bare kunne lære meg å tenke piiittelitteliitt framover av og til. *grimase*
(..and when did i start writing in norwegian?)
"Talkmore: tenk nytt- ta kontroll- ring billig. "
Hatt det siden juli, kjempefornøyd.Pengane har aldri vart så lenge før, steike bra`e prisa.Anbefalast! - check it out.

september 28, 2005

this is how i look right now.

beRgen here i come

i guess u know , but if u dont - i live in Førde, still in gymnasium,though i should be studying on the university or something like that if u look at my age.(21) so my friends R spread over the country, and im stuck back here. Most of my friends R in Bergen,and they live and
"study" (ha-ha) there. A special city - it`s the second largest city in Norway,but yet so intimate and kozy.I enjoy walking around there, sit on a bench and look at people passing by.
my friends R 3,5hours away from me( - or i`m 3,5hours away from them.. )
, i really miss them.
I`ve actually been in Førde for four years now,
but i still dont know anyone that i can go to the movies with,
or just hang out with. I`m glad i have my brother here,
he`s been so supportive and helpfull, and i also enjoy he`s company ofcourse!

I`m looking forward to spend the weekend with my friends,
at the same time i wish i was back in Førde with Øyvind, yes, yees he is the one i`m babbeling about all the time;O

september 25, 2005

oh, joy!

i saw my sister this weekend , it was so good to hang with her again.
she`s not only my sister, but my best friend - she`s tha best!

Maria and her husband(Tommy) lives in 'Sarpsborg', a city on the eastern part of Norway - 7-8hours trip with car, so i dont get to see her so often, i miss her daily.

september 23, 2005

i`m in love

september 21, 2005

i was going to do some homework now , but i just cant concentrate..
my mind keeps spinning around this particularly guy ..
i`m here, but as in just sitting here, physically - but not listening to people around me ..or noticing whats going on.
i have this kinda satisfied feeling about everything today.

september 20, 2005

SKAGEN Vekst is an equity fund where minimum 50 percent of the assets must be invested in Norway, and the rest invested in the global equity market. The launch date for the fund was 1.12.1993 and it has been managed by Kristian Falnes since November 1997.

My share is growing.
i`m 15 kroner`s " richer".

september 12, 2005


I`m going to vote today...

r u?

if u can, u should!

september 10, 2005

I have been fainting alot lately - it is annoying, i never get to do the things i plan to do..

Fridaymorning at school, we had "English-class", suddenly it felt like all my strength vanished. my heart beated real fast,my eyes my sight got blury,and i breathed heavily.
I fainted - i was gone for 4 minutes, it`s actually quite long -ambulance,
doctor-center, they took all kinds of tests..
checked me for everything again , couldnt find anything
wrong actually.. like always.
3hours afterwards i went to the bathroom, on my way back i fainted in the hall, and smacked to the floor, a sick man in a wheelchair called out for help and the doctors came, they carried me back to bed. took the tests all over again.
like blood-pressure,tested my blood for oxygen,tested my heart-rhythm,took a CT off my brain and x-ray off my lunges,checked my reflections and so on.
i`m glad i could go home today- my mum came (1,5hours drive) and brought me back home.
My doctor ordered me to take a break from my life,
for at least 4-5 days.

september 04, 2005

My mum bought me a SHARE for my birthday.

Eine delen av bursdagsgaven fra mamma var ein aksje, sånn på morsomt. I dig it.
Eg e herved ein AKSJE-EiGAR. Aldri hørt om d før, men d heite "Skagen Vekst".
So no e eg inne på BØRSEN og sjekker aksja mi, gått opp 3kroner i går faktisk. mojjo mojjo :D
Oppfinnsom gave, - mamma e topp!

"Skagen Vekst investerer i aksjer i inn- og utland. Av dette vil minimum 50% av fondets midler være investert i Norge til enhver tid. "
(den røde streken e "Skagen Vekst". Ser hittil ganske bra ut:)
I have a friend that i havent had contact with for a while - i miss it,
waiting for him to call or something.. or should i?
hm? no ,it`s just a friend.

september 03, 2005

hi you

During the night I have got a terrible cold, its like knifes cutting in my throat when i swallow.I had a fever, temperature on 39.2 - it`s high. my head aches and i`m feeling dizzy.
All i can think about is that i really hope i`ll recover before tuesday, cause then i`m going
rock-climbing. I picked it as a subject on school. We have to pick a subject, it is called directly transelated "option-profession", u have to choose between 8-10subjects that u are are going to have 2 hours a week for the rest of the schoolyear.
I`m glad i got my 1.election , cause i had "mat" (mathematics) on the second one.
I`m looking forward to start, i`m actually a bit frightened for heights - that is one off the reasons that i picked out rockclimbing, cause i think it is healthy to challenge ourselves!! i`ll be fine :D
I`m drinking gingertea - eating vitamines - i AM going on tuesday, i have to. It is only 2hours a week,and therefore I dont want to miss it on tuesday,then i have to wait a week before it`s time again.i have to,i have to.. i simply HAVE to recover! Fingers crossed, X

september 02, 2005

happy birthday 2 me =)

wow - i`m 21 years old now.. it`s kinda scary.