juni 30, 2006
juni 25, 2006
friday i was at work till 12.15, and then me and my brother went to Vikersund(eastern part of norway), 7hours or so by car. a gathering with our sister&her husband,their friends,my brothers fiancé&her friends n`so on. it was at my brother-in-law`s brother`s cabin :D comfy&nice.we had a barbecue.31 ppl alltogether. (not staying at the cabin all of us!) after a late breakfast this morning(lunch) we went to Sarpsborg,where my sister lives - .im going back to førde tomorrow by bus.u c i gotta work monday..but my brother stays a bit longer.i like hot-headed(impulsive) trips..their always successful cause u havent had the time to build up high expectations.. leaving ca. 11.30 tomorrow to oslo, then oslo-førde 14.50.. not there before midnight.not looking forward to the walk from the bus-station to my house late at night though!i have a few pics from my cell, i`ll post them too,but not now.gotta get some sleep.g`night..
on my way to work,walking in the rain 1. this is a pic taken while driving through jølster.im fascinated by the mountains up there. 2 + 3. we had a good time,live-music,fantastic food&candys ofcourse..marshmallows is a must. 4 + 5. my sister,maria 6. this is to be my sister-in-law 7. smashing kids,this is michael&sara. 8.
on my way to work,walking in the rain 1. this is a pic taken while driving through jølster.im fascinated by the mountains up there. 2 + 3. we had a good time,live-music,fantastic food&candys ofcourse..marshmallows is a must. 4 + 5. my sister,maria 6. this is to be my sister-in-law 7. smashing kids,this is michael&sara. 8.
juni 19, 2006
juni 18, 2006

Okay, since the topic ppl seem to like blogging about nowadays, apart from celebritys is about the glorious world cup, i shall too blog about the world cup.since graduation is not too far away, i suppose it would be very appropriate to discuss the topic now,but i wont. and i wont blog about world cup either actually - i just wanna show u this pic.that is my contribution for u who`s into this.
juni 17, 2006
what is it about people and pride? my pride is refusing me to accept any help most of the time. it is hard to receive. why is it much more easy to give? there are times, times like now were i simply must swallow a bit of my pride,cause of my condition. i put on this mask to hide that im struggeling - and even those times when im seriously ill the mask remains. i find it hard to ask, maybe it`s because i most of the time r independent. i wont admit that i need help&to ask of it is like almost outrageously.also because it doesnt show how ill i really am.. ppl around me seldom notices it before im lying at the ground. i guess i dont ask cause i think& want to handle it myself or to recover. the keyword is to ask me. but.. then my pride maybe says no.i wont let all kind of ppl help me either.gotta trust the person,know the person.the worse thing is to receive help from a person i mislike, has happened - yeah.. was weird and uncomfortable.
juni 16, 2006
my exam didnt go too well - neither good or bad.we thought it was to be about diabetes,but it was about infections in the abdomen&diarrhea.i fainted twice that morning,so i didnt feel too good-but i think i did Ok. It`s been a busy week.Monday&tuesday:school.wednesday&thursday i was working.it`s quite choppy,but i like it,and im kinda good at it too :P today my class has been out having a barbecue at my teachers cottage,it was niCe:) now we`r waiting on the results to know if we`ll have to do some more exam`s, we`ll be informed in an hour or so :O *fingers crossed* im going home tomorrow,not seen mum for a while.me and my brother(Erlend) r going to drive to Balestrand and pick up Peter(our littlebro) at the boardingschool he`s at, he`s done for this year,but has to years left.summer vacation till medio August! (pic of me riding Erlends bicycle) n`this is a pic of me after work,exhausted,i look totally paralyzed!..and this one,after 200g chocolate;)

juni 12, 2006
juni 09, 2006
my piece`bout eatingdisorder is in the newspaper(firda) today :D read if u can and give me some feedback will ya
me and AG r going to p-a-r-t-y both tonight n`tomorrow.tonight we`r going to a 'humourshow', i cant say our expectations r high,but we`r gonna have a good time anyway :D tomorrow it`s a concert here.. mira craig,robert post,delillos or something,not quite sure.we`r going - lousy,unsound music if u ask me:P - but we`ll make this fun too!!the weather is to be fantastic! actually i`d rather like to go to another festival not so far away,but cause of a few reasons im not going,the music there is music, rockmusic.at least two bands that r really good.but hey, im going to have a fine weekend here in Førde - enjoy yours ppl!
juni 08, 2006
i wrote a piece about eatingdisorder to the newspaper some days ago..i wasnt sure if they could use it or not.but the editor himself called me yesterday and told me that he really liked it - bragged`bout my writing. so.. good.it`ll be in the paper,FIRDA- maybe tomorow,or one in the next days to come. i wrote it because i am quite schocked of how widespread this 'disease' is.how scary and horrendous i find it.how wrong it is - and how many this affects.i also have some friends suffering from it.it is one of the most unpleasant and sad conditions. shit.. the teacher.got to go.
juni 07, 2006
it was a lot of fun yesterday -man i was exhausted when i got back last night. and tired as hell this morning..but here i am at my desk in school.
juni 05, 2006
the fjord is glittering in the sun - perfectly still outside.we had breakfast in the frontyard(garden) this morning - beautiful.i so wanna mount a mountain,but i think i have to wait a while before i work out cause of my health.c-crap:P heading back to Førde tonight. tomorrow`s my mums birthday,06.06.06!uu,spu-uk-eey.(its also Swedenes constitution day) gonna celebrate her today! ..also, tomorrow after school im going to join my new job, first a staff-meeting for about 2 hours *yaawn* ;) its a gathering from all the offices in Norway from this firm..afterwards it`s 'gocart', games n`then in the end a barbecue on the roof of the officebuilding.a chance to get to know the ppl im gonna work with.[fRutti].
oh yeah, i forgot to tell u`bout what job i`ve got.its in a debt collection-company.im in the department of making solution/deals with those who`s got debt. in the 'call-zone'.a desk with a computer,phone-headset.collecting money:P so if ur from Norway,reading this - in ur case pay ur debt,or i will phone u up.i will hunt u down n`make ur life miserable :D nah,we`r quite niCe,we just wanna help out s`much as we can..anyway-> pay ur bills.
oh yeah, i forgot to tell u`bout what job i`ve got.its in a debt collection-company.im in the department of making solution/deals with those who`s got debt. in the 'call-zone'.a desk with a computer,phone-headset.collecting money:P so if ur from Norway,reading this - in ur case pay ur debt,or i will phone u up.i will hunt u down n`make ur life miserable :D nah,we`r quite niCe,we just wanna help out s`much as we can..anyway-> pay ur bills.
juni 04, 2006
juni 03, 2006
check it out, cheap monday.i want the shoes ;O
the sizes on the jeans r perfect,(24!)cant find that small sizes in Norway..not that i know about - but their not the hottest.i didnt like the jeans-models that much.the black/dark,stonewashed ones maybe, but the shoes i liked.
the sizes on the jeans r perfect,(24!)cant find that small sizes in Norway..not that i know about - but their not the hottest.i didnt like the jeans-models that much.the black/dark,stonewashed ones maybe, but the shoes i liked.
juni 02, 2006
i had my first day at my new job yesterday,from 09.00-17.00 ("working nine to five"..*singing*) a lot of information and things to learn. im still schooling, but we have 2-3 days off each week of the three weeks left of this schoolyear.. so on the days on the calender were i`ve written "Wohoo!day-off:D" has now got a black line on it.yeah, gonna work those days now.ka-ching! what kinda job i`ve got? it`s to be continued-i got class now.("ethics")