and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

september 29, 2006

Things to do today,tomorrow and the rest of the week:

  1. Get up.
  2. Survive.
  3. Go back to bed.

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september 21, 2006

what would be on ur list: things i want to do before i die ?
some of mine would be..
-to find love, and get married
-have brown eyes(mine r green)
-become a mother
-travel alot.. safari in Africa(kenya), visit the forbidden city in Beijing, go shopping in London/NewYork, Italy(venize,capri,the maph-city in sicilia,rome) +++
- get a tattoo (not a bloody sun at my back, or a chinese sign at my neck.. not any stanard-place. either at my hip, or ancle.)
-visit a bunch of festivals&concerts
-some of u may be without it.. but i want to have it all.. live in a big white house with my husband, kids,dog/cat, debt.. oh joy ;)
-to overcome my fear-> spiders
-to have a regular piece in the paper for a while..write`bout anything i`d like
-visit a real SPA
-be able to spend,spend-spend
-to be a sponsor,help out a kid or two, and then bring my family and visit him/her.
..and so much more. whats on ur list?

september 20, 2006

action i førde-city idag. (les i firda)
Kollisjon i naustdalstunnellen - ein mann(35) omkom og ein(68) e hardt skada ,1 ,2. ein politibil kræsja md ein privatbil i sentrum-sør under utrykkinga til bilulykka. ..grenseoverganger, ferjer og fleire politidistrikt e varsla etter frekt tjuveri på nordfjordeid natt til idag, ein millionbåt e bortevekk.
its like the heaven above opened..
its pouring down. u`ll get soak wet in a few seconds time out there. i fainted this morning, the scooter is home in the backyard - i walked for 2 minutes, and then i had a ride with a porsche to school.
it is fascinating how much the weather affects u. its like i get hypnotized in a way.. by listening to the rain hitting the windows, dripping gutter.. i get sleepy when i look out the window at the grey sky, kinda blury sight.
im happy that i work tuesdays and wednesdays, two days in a row.. it is tiresome both schooling and 08.20-15.05.. working from 16.00-20.00
Have a nice day u guys!

september 19, 2006

smashing novel, smashing!
it was scary that i understood her so well, and worst of all.. how much i saw myselfe in her. like hiding the bills without opening it even if i know, i know that i`ve got to pay them and that it`s best if i do it at once..
im a shopoholic.
ok, there i`ve said it. ok..
now its out there ;D
nah.. at least im getting there.

Shopoholic Ties The Knot by Sophie Kinsella.

In the hands of a lesser writer, Shopoholic Ties The Knot could have been a disaster, but Kinsella's characters are over-the-top tongue-in-cheek and hilariously funny.
living in New York and working at the perfect job --- personal shopper for fashionable barney's --- Becky has the good life. she buys expensive furniture, antiques and clothing; hides the bills from her doting and forgiving lover; and writes scads of letters (all included in the book for your enjoyment) to banks, creditors and the like trying to explain away her expenditures, while cleverly delaying payment at the same time. when her gorgeous, wealthy boyfriend,Luke (yes, the momma's boy) proposes marriage in one of the most romantic and unexpected manners I have ever read, witnessed or experienced, it can't get any better for Becky."OK. now, i may be engaged, but im not going to get carried away. no way. i know some girls go mad planning the biggest wedding in the universe and thinking about nothing else...but that's not going to be me." by the end of the next page, Becky is already planning to try on diamond-encrusted tiaras for the ceremony. weddings are, after all, a shopper's license to go all out, spare no expense and spend, spend, spend.
a dilemma verging on narrative slapstick arises quickly. Becky's mom, who has been waiting for this day since Becky's birth, begins to plan an outdoor ceremony in their backyard in England, while the control freak mother-in-law offers to splurge for a posh stateside wedding in New York City's Plaza Hotel.!!
what's a girl to do? well, according to "the realistic bride," a resource Becky consults for help, "no matter how insurmountable the problem seems, there will always be a solution! so don't worry."
..aand that advice would work just fine if the problem were something small, like a shortage on Jordan almonds for the bridal shower favors. but Becky has to attend two weddings, on the same day, in two different countries!
Wait until you read the resolution!
SHOPAHOLIC TIES THE KNOT is hilarious, a must read for shoppers and brides-to-be.

september 13, 2006

eg slite bigtime md matte. eg e i timane. eg følge så godt md at eg får hodepine. eg prøve virkelig å få til noke, men d e heilt nyttesløst. eg lære ikkje ein drit. eg bare e der.. skrive ned alt fra tavla, formler og andregradslikninger.. d einaste som mangla no e at læraren begynne å snakke kinesisk - så fjernt e d for meg. d e nesten ingen vits i at eg e der, så masse suge eg i matte.
læreren e ein mann i 50åra med parkinson, sist eg spurte om hjelp sa han "Jeg er ikke så interessert i å komme ned til dere og hjelpe. Dette burde dere kunne nå etter å ha gått igjennom dette to ganger." Ingen hjelp å få der altså. Ingen hjelp å få av sidemannen min heller, eller han bak eller ho foran. Ekstratimer får eg heller ikkje, har faktisk spurt.. men pga.økonomien til skulen så får vi ikkje d. alle dei eg kjenna som e gode i matte e for langt vekke. eg ser at draumen å bli lege visna meir og meir vekk.. begynne å bli litt tåkete for framtidsutsiktene. eg ligge godt an i dei andre faga, forferdelig irriterande at matten skal ødlegge alt. ikkje gitt heilt opp,eg må jo klare d - må finne ein løsning på d her. Ein som hadde tips om et program på pc/nettet.. men akkurat no har eg jo ikkje verken pc eller nett. jobbr md saken. I mellomtida får eg ihvertfall møte opp så eg ikkje får fravær.. og fortsette med avskrivinga :D

september 10, 2006

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september 09, 2006

i trust him. so much that i`ve let him in behind the wall. the wall i`ve used years to build. he`s had both legs at the inside for quite a while now. but, its still scary. odd. also a bit silly, cause then he`s the only one i feel like turning to, im sorry for him.
he knows everything, more then any other does. even things i dont mention, he knows. how?he reads me well. he is so kind. he`s like an angel. even if angels exist, they got wings and can fly away, and he did as i feared. i pictured myself sitting here, knowing that i not any longer would be the only one knowing my inner thoughts and secrets, but alone about it when i needed someone.
funny, but im not. he is still there for me. im glad he knows. im not alone anymore. not as small anymore. i`ve started growing. maybe, one day im big enough to climb over the wall and leave it. that is my wish. but right now, when the wall is so high, and i so little i need more time to grow - in the meantime i let him climb into my side.. helping me grow.

september 08, 2006

..miljløkoordinatoren tok noken bildr som ho la ut på heimesida til skulen, ikkje fått md mg at eg blei tatt bilde av men d va eg visst:) <-- der går eg md hov i vatnet og fanga småfisk som vi skal forske&se på i teleskopet vårt på skulen. Her også.. her ser eg temmelig sur ut i bakgrunnen(ser stort sett sur ut når eg ikkje smila,men eg -ekje- d då) her e ein søt liten frosk!
idag ha eg vore på ekskursjon med klassen (naturfag) ved Movatnet på Mo. veret va som d alltid e når skulen arrangera tur: regn, skodde og atter regn. eg må sei eg va litt tung i føtene i dag tidlig då eg skulle ut døra, eg vakje overbegeistra, men d va mykje bedre enn eg såg for meg.. d va faktisk meir regn enn eg forutsåg, men eg va godt kledd - så d va bare gøy: eg frøys ikkje et sekund ska eg sei deg. - eg fanga fisk med hov, froska.. sløya fisk, grilla fisk på bålet og åt den, røye&aure -> smakte ypperlig berre eg hadde nok sitronpepper på. eg hadde d bra eg..
.. og alle var einige om at dei hadde hatt ein fin tur! (typisk slutt på alle glad-historia)

Maria kom istad md flyet, vi tok bussen heim ilag.. og akkurat no i skrivande stund komme peter inn døra. Ikkje vært heime på 3 veke', kjekt å sjå maria, peter og mamma. no e d MAT.ich bin sehr hungrig.

september 05, 2006

saturday, the second of september was my birthday - it`s weird.. im 22.
im kinda.. old. i feel like i have to be more grown up and responisble. but i wont.. im pretty much the same girl as i`ve been the last years, maybe a bit more less responsible actually. living life..
im at work now, going home soooon. five minutes to go, hurrah :D