juli 26, 2007

we have not found a flat in Bergen yet - and the time is ticking. i think we deserve to win the first price in picking-the-most-stupidish-timing-to-go-on-a-vacation-when-you-still-havent-found-a-place-to-live-and-wont-return-before-school-is-starting-kinda-price.
how hard can it be?it is disastrous..
I can't sleep. I am doing ok, but some of my close ones are not ok. I am worried and I am sorry that I can’t do anything to help. I can only listen and comfort, but that’s the thing, I suck at comforting people. I don’t know why - I’ve never been especially good in comforting, I wish I was though.
My dear one
no matter what happens
i will stand by you
i will be there for you,
whenever you need me.
to lend you a hand,
to do a good deed.
so just call on me,
whenever you need anything.
i will be there - because i care so much about you.
My dear one
no matter what happens
i will stand by you
i will be there for you,
whenever you need me.
to lend you a hand,
to do a good deed.
so just call on me,
whenever you need anything.
i will be there - because i care so much about you.
juli 24, 2007
Today was my last day at work.
It was both sad and nice. Sad, because i will miss it. Nice, because I need a vacation so badly. I’ve been there for a 1 year and a month. It was weird leaving my key (code card) behind,to clean my desk, say good bye and walk out the door. For good? No, I will be back.. if not working, I will be visiting. I’m going to miss my colleagues though – they're the best!
I might also add that i left Førde last night too- I hated the city in the beginning, but now I will miss it. I was supposed to be there for a year.. 1 year turned into 5! Farewell Førde..
HELLUU Bergen ;))
I might also add that i left Førde last night too- I hated the city in the beginning, but now I will miss it. I was supposed to be there for a year.. 1 year turned into 5! Farewell Førde..
HELLUU Bergen ;))
juli 19, 2007
today i am feeling very jolly and satisfied.i hope you'll have a nice thursday :))
wops..look at the time i'm off to work!!
juli 16, 2007
juli 14, 2007
juli 09, 2007
Blog without Fear
i guess i'm not the only one who's been told that i should be more careful with what i post at my blog, because people might misuse it. pictures, information like where i work, live and what i do.. i know that my blog is kinda personal, i write about my family/friends, feelings and thoughts - but still there are things i dont mention,ofcourse.
If you blog, there are no guarantees you'll attract a readership of thousands. but at least a few readers will find your blog, and they may be the people you'd least want or expect. these include potential or current employers, coworkers, and professional colleagues; your neighbors; your husband/wife or partner; your family; and anyone else curious enough to type your name, email address or screen name into Google and click a few links. So; we should be careful with what we write and keep in mind that just about anything that is online can be read by someone - or everyone. If you dont want the world to read what you've posted, make sure they can't. you can do that by not putting it online, or to post it anonymously.
the point is that anyone can eventually find your blog if your real identity is tied to it in some way.. and there may be consequences. family members may be shocked or upset when they read your uncensored thoughts. a potential boss may think twice about hiring you! but these concerns shouldn't stop you from writing. Instead, they should inspire you to keep your blog private, accessible only to certain trusted people or to just go on blogging as normal and just have it in mind to be careful and a bit more critically before you click on the: 'Publish post'-button.
picture your mum, boss, neighbour, friend, and partner reading it - if it feels ok, then i guess it's Ok.
you cant please everybody - there will always be someone taking distance from what you do and someone who support you.. and some who dont give a shit.
blogging is a choice you do - like so many other things in life; maybe you will regret it someday, and maybe you wont.
If you blog, there are no guarantees you'll attract a readership of thousands. but at least a few readers will find your blog, and they may be the people you'd least want or expect. these include potential or current employers, coworkers, and professional colleagues; your neighbors; your husband/wife or partner; your family; and anyone else curious enough to type your name, email address or screen name into Google and click a few links. So; we should be careful with what we write and keep in mind that just about anything that is online can be read by someone - or everyone. If you dont want the world to read what you've posted, make sure they can't. you can do that by not putting it online, or to post it anonymously.
the point is that anyone can eventually find your blog if your real identity is tied to it in some way.. and there may be consequences. family members may be shocked or upset when they read your uncensored thoughts. a potential boss may think twice about hiring you! but these concerns shouldn't stop you from writing. Instead, they should inspire you to keep your blog private, accessible only to certain trusted people or to just go on blogging as normal and just have it in mind to be careful and a bit more critically before you click on the: 'Publish post'-button.
picture your mum, boss, neighbour, friend, and partner reading it - if it feels ok, then i guess it's Ok.
you cant please everybody - there will always be someone taking distance from what you do and someone who support you.. and some who dont give a shit.
blogging is a choice you do - like so many other things in life; maybe you will regret it someday, and maybe you wont.
juli 07, 2007

07.07.07.. It is his birthday today!! HURRAH ;)
congratulations bro,
wow.. it is so weird that you are 18 years old allready!
Too bad I cant be there with you celebrating, but I think you'll have a great day in Oslo with dad, maria, tommy and noa.
I saw your grades today from the last schoolyear, and I am really proud of you, Peter - it was phenomenal. Awesome grades.
juli 06, 2007

I have otitis again. I got ill on saturday, almost a week ago now - and I'm not even feeling better. I have been home, with the laptop in my lap and the tv in front of me.. watching alot of films. I am so bored!! I hope I'll recover until monday; work.
- To "all" of you, my dear readers - Have a glorious weekend =)