mars 31, 2008
how my heart behaves
sometimes, i want to feel something i don't feel, or the other way around.i, sometimes try to decide on what to feel, cause my mind wants me to. i ignore my heart, overlook my feelings - and decide to feel this and that.
that is incredible stupid of me to do. cause in the end i have to listen to my heart, i should do it from the start.but then again, my heart is kinda annoying at the time, it keeps going on and on,and on about the same wonder i ignore it or shut it up now and then. but i should listen more, so i wouldn't mess things up more then it allready is.. or waste too much time.
It is not always easy when your mind tells you what's right, and your heart disagrees. I got to have a serious talk with'em soon-they have to kiss&make up and become bestfriends again;)
mars 29, 2008
ok,i've finally decided. Norwegian it is. (i think)
confused chick!

mars 28, 2008
Green Street Hooligans

In the end i want to quote Matt Buckner:
mars 27, 2008
mars 24, 2008
i had a blast in Førde saturday night!!

mars 21, 2008
mars 14, 2008
mars 08, 2008
"Stay in bed!" (Doctor's Orders)
- and then my driver had to take me to the hospital in Førde as well, thank you so much Mr. :)
a lot of examinations, a lot of doctors and nurses.. a lot of hustle and bustle :p more doctors entered the room, each one wanted to examine me, and do the same tests as the other ones.. then they had to call a doctor which was home and not on duty. noone had done the last test they had to do, they only knew how to do it in theory. they had to deplete(tappe) some (2,5glasses) fluid(spinalvæske) from my spine(ryggmarg), brain-fluid actually.. i had to lie in a special way,and to bend my back like a cat..(seen a cat in a catfight?bending their back,and the cathair stand up in the air) that it was easier to get the needle inbetween the bones(klotene).i took it without any narcosis actually, cause then i had to wait longer, and one of the doctors asked me "Are you tough?you look like you are tough".. and i said yes,ofcourse i am.. so therefore no narcosis. did it hurt? OH YES! IT DID, SIR!
so now i've seen my own brain-fluid, fascinating alright!!
i got the test-results yesterday; i didn't have it. i'm glad! I have a seldom virus-infection instead, so i have to stay in bed for a while. after taking out the fluid i must expect pressure&headache, pain in my back and so on.. i feel terrible. fever, pain, too much pressure in the head and back when i sit, walk, stand. boring to stay in bed/sofa all day,but i have to.
i had the choice if i wanted to stay in the hospital or to go home to mum - ofcourse i chose the second one. hospitals are boring, filled with sick ppl, and you often have to share room with old ladies who talks too much,caughing,and all other kind of 'bodysounds' ++
i'm home now, parked in the sofa in my room in front of the tv, with the laptop in my lap, all kind of food and drinks around me.. fruitplate, candy, cookies, slices of bread, tea,ice-tea, coke ++ and a phone to call mum downstairs if i need anything.
mars 06, 2008
wonderful news
mars 04, 2008
you are so dear to me
i'm going to Oslo to school in August, and then i'll get closer to them, to my father, to my brother,Erlend - and i'm looking forward to it. but then, i'll miss my mum and my littlebrother,Peter very much.. and my hometown. i'm glad i have such a nice family, i'm glad i have someone that i care for,and who cares for me - i love you guys!
- hugs and kisses from me, to you all ;)

mars 02, 2008

..and to pick up Noa(my nephew) who just woke up,way too early by the way. warm&soft. it is so snugly when he put his arms around me, and wants to cuddle. aww - priceless feeling ;) even how tired you might be,you can't be mad at the little toddler who's smiling at you. i too want a baby.. i just gotta finish my education,and yes, most importantly; find a man.