april 30, 2008
april 27, 2008
april 25, 2008
april 21, 2008
Velkommen til bloggernes verden,Marte ;)
april 19, 2008
Bergen on a Sunny Day!
So this is probably the most lousy film you'll ever see.. i didn't edit it much, just put together many clip from earlier today when Sylvia and I walked around in the city. Enjoy :D
Today is Tommy's birthday!!! WOHO, Happy birthday my dear brother-in-law. I guess my sister has made you delicious food and cakes, i know you're having a birthdayparty at your house today - next year i will make it to your birthday, cause then i live in Oslo!!! :)
april 18, 2008
I am moving from Bergen

april 17, 2008
New adress on my fashion-blog, again!
Saturday night
3 hours later we went out, and we had a great night!! :) ..and here are some of the pictures from that night before we left the apartment.
april 11, 2008
april 10, 2008
Dagens middagstips

sikkert veldig godt med lime, løk osv.. det eg hadde i formen var;
- Gulrøtter
- Poteter
- Brokkoli
- Sopp
(og ørret så klart..)
Del opp grønnsakene og legg dei i bunnen av formen,
hell over litt olje. Krydre fileteene godt, og legg dei oppå grønnsakene. Ha lokket på og sett formen inn i ovnen på 200grader i tja.. en liten time.på slutten kan du godt ta av lokket så det får litt meir farge og blir litt sprøere på toppen,fks.dei siste ti min. Bon Appètit ;)
..and in english;
it is not important to have the exactly same
vegetables as me, subtract or add something new if you like. like onions, squeeze a lime over it ++ this is what i had;
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
and the fish ofcourse. it looks like salmon, but i had trout.
Cut the vegetables in slices,and put it in the pot and pour some oil over it. spice it with salt and pepper and place them on top of the vegetables. put the lid on and in the oven. 200degrees in approximately one hour. the last ten minutes you can gladly take off the lid so it will be more crispy and colourful.
Bon Appètit ;)
So this is what i had for dinner today. I'm as PROUD as i can be. you see, i've never liked seafood.. i only eat fish when i -have- to.. like dinnerpartys and stuff. And suddenly i wanted fish, and i bought 4 pieces of trout and made me and my roommate, Marte a lovely dinner.
Today i made history!! i was excited, and didn't have high hopes for it. but you know what? it was really,
really good! I kid you not. i was so surprised.
Cured? weeell, let's not get ahead of ourselves..
i like trout and salmon, but that is as far as i go.
april 09, 2008
april 02, 2008
Here are som pictures from easter :)
This is our view through the kitchen window.

My brother Peter (in the corner to the right), has taken all the photos.
i dont know if you notice, but it was a tired gang.. i think it shows on the pictures. Noa is in his most active stage, and we had the flu. the weather was quite windy,rainy..and actually so bad that we almost didn't go out all week! we managed to see a couple of movies together, we played games, the boys played football..and we chilled out together with a cup of tea,and snacks. And we had many delicious meals as always :)
..despite the sickness, the lousy weather,and Noa being RAMBO around us (it is not his fault, he is in 'that age') i had a dashingly fine easter! (even if he is Rambo i adore him, he is such a smart kid.)
- maria and i talked about it.. it is tradition that we are sick when we get together:P it is typical to get the cold, flu in the fall when we usually have a week holliday in october and visit them, and the same thing in the winterholliday in february..and then it is easter, and finally in the summer we can DO things,and everyone is healthy(at least the others) so.. i guess we are used being ill around each other, we make the best of it - and i think everybody had a blast this easter ;)
we missed Erlend and June - however i have to admit, we are a big family - and it can be kind of chaotic some times.. the house isn't big enough anymore when my siblings have a husband/wife and kids + that my grandma came on a visit for four days. And still Peter and i haven't met the right person yet, and when we do..man then it'll get crowdy! but it is so much FUN too.
i love having a big family.. and bigger it shall be.
april 01, 2008
April Fool's Day
i thought it was fun making up crazy jokes when i was younger, but i dont think it's so much fun anymore.. i will not trick you into anything.because i think it's stupid.