today is øyvind`s birthday,22years old - not quite sure if the present i bought him was he`s kinda 'thing' or taste ;O i guess he`ll tell me,heh.
januar 31, 2006
uh, i'm this slack throat is soar and slimy,and my caugh is silly and kinda "gay", i'm dizzy and everything is so exhausting,i have no condition,this cold takes my breath away :O oh yeah i feel so sexy and charming with this heavily breathing,snuffle and weird,creaky voice.
today is øyvind`s birthday,22years old - not quite sure if the present i bought him was he`s kinda 'thing' or taste ;O i guess he`ll tell me,heh.
today is øyvind`s birthday,22years old - not quite sure if the present i bought him was he`s kinda 'thing' or taste ;O i guess he`ll tell me,heh.
januar 27, 2006
januar 26, 2006
januar 25, 2006
oh no, it`s minus degrees outside.
the air is real sharp and clear, the light outside this morning is magical and rare. i find myself sitting with my desk (yeah,i'm at school) looking (.. dreamy-eyes) out the`s so still and .. i simply cant find the perfect word to describe the atmosphere out there.
and while writing this, the light is no longer as bright and special as it was earlier, and i can continue my work on the task my teacher gave me. gonna write about "stress".
the air is real sharp and clear, the light outside this morning is magical and rare. i find myself sitting with my desk (yeah,i'm at school) looking (.. dreamy-eyes) out the`s so still and .. i simply cant find the perfect word to describe the atmosphere out there.
and while writing this, the light is no longer as bright and special as it was earlier, and i can continue my work on the task my teacher gave me. gonna write about "stress".
januar 24, 2006

hi u guys
i know i'v been seriously slack lately, as i said earlier, i'm kinda sick of blogging,it`s a bit boring, and i also think that since my health`s been better then ever,i'v had other things to do then blogging;O ..cause when i'v had sparetime at school i'v been running around instead of sitting at the same place and nerding at the internet- i'v had energy to do other stuff. yeah my health is pretty good, i have not fainted, i have not as much pain as i used to and i actually sleep :) it`s odd, i feel`s like a tickle all the time,or i cant describe it,i dont know what it is-but it`s a new feeling.or maybe it`s a normal feeling,beeing,but i just havnt been able to feel it before cause of all the troubles?dunno,but i'm doing quite fine =)
this morning we overslept, usually get up (or wake up) at 07.00, but it was 08.42 this time.
record of sleep for me this night i think . for a very long time. i think maybe 6hours or`s oh so wonderful. he is good for me.
januar 20, 2006
januar 19, 2006
jeez,it`s freesin cold outside,gah - i'm sick and tired of wearing all these clothes.i hate jackets, scarfes and all that stuff.spring spring where r u??i'm waiting for u..
i'v quit eating chocolate and drinking coke in the's horrible.not doing it cause of a diet or me wanting to be more healthy - but i must admit i have a problem, i'm totally addicted to it,and thats why i have to try to c for how long i can go without it. i need SUGAR, and i cant think about nothing else at the moment.I havent had it since saturday, i can c my consentration is worse, i'm edgy and sassy. I cant have chocolate, not chocolatecake or cocoa - not any kind of soda.. my discipline is kinda eerie, far too good.
Øyvind came back last night, good to c him again, i'v missed him. to go,yeah im at school.
i'v quit eating chocolate and drinking coke in the's horrible.not doing it cause of a diet or me wanting to be more healthy - but i must admit i have a problem, i'm totally addicted to it,and thats why i have to try to c for how long i can go without it. i need SUGAR, and i cant think about nothing else at the moment.I havent had it since saturday, i can c my consentration is worse, i'm edgy and sassy. I cant have chocolate, not chocolatecake or cocoa - not any kind of soda.. my discipline is kinda eerie, far too good.
Øyvind came back last night, good to c him again, i'v missed him. to go,yeah im at school.
januar 17, 2006
januar 16, 2006
morning u guys - yeah,must admit,a bit tired ..! i just had a shower.gonna have some breakfast,get dressed and hit the road.have a fabulous MondaY! (this schoolday starts with 2hours gymnastic, the class is a bunch of uncooperative and sleepy youth - after this unhealthy junk-weekend i need some exercise for sure,so i'm Ok with it)
morning u guys - yeah,must admit,a bit tired ..! i just had a shower.gonna have some breakfast,get dressed and hit the road.have a fabulous MondaY! (this schoolday starts with 2hours gymnastic, the class is a bunch of uncooperative and sleepy youth - after this unhealthy junk-weekend i need some exercise for sure,so i'm Ok with it)
januar 15, 2006

i feel sick.i'v had too much to eat this sunday.mum have been serving me all these tasteful,delicious dishes and meals.u should c my tummy now, it`s huge ;O even if i feel terrible sick i want more. i think maybe i'v had something i dont tolerate - if i dont recover soon,i think i have to try to throw up. silly,silly lass.
i'm not going back tonight,leaving eeearly tomorrow morning,have to get up at 05.45. (back to my flat in Førde.. and school.)
- Torbjørn Jagland
"Jeg har ikke for vane å se meg så veldig mye tilbake.Heller ikke fremover. "
"Jeg har ikke sagt det før, men gjentar det gjerne. "
- Kjell Magne Bondevik
"Jeg har sagt det tusen ganger før, og nå sier jeg det for tredje og siste gang. "
"I disse dagene har jeg følt jeg har måttet holde opptil flere tanker i hodet på en gang. "
"Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg er så lur som mange vil ha det til. "
"Det er ikke vanskelig å finne gode kvinner til topplederjobber, men du må bruke nettverk og lete bevisst. "
"Jeg har ikke for vane å se meg så veldig mye tilbake.Heller ikke fremover. "
"Jeg har ikke sagt det før, men gjentar det gjerne. "
- Kjell Magne Bondevik
"Jeg har sagt det tusen ganger før, og nå sier jeg det for tredje og siste gang. "
"I disse dagene har jeg følt jeg har måttet holde opptil flere tanker i hodet på en gang. "
"Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg er så lur som mange vil ha det til. "
"Det er ikke vanskelig å finne gode kvinner til topplederjobber, men du må bruke nettverk og lete bevisst. "
januar 14, 2006

oh man i'm tired.i'v been turning my room upside down since this morning, i have so much stuff.. and not to mention CLOTHES.the waste-basket outside is full. my mum think i throw away too much that i actually can use, or things that are in perfect shape and nothing wrong with - it`s odd, we have so much stuff and we throw it away cause it`s not our style any longer , and then there are people in Africa forexample who never ever have had as nice things, or would be so very pleased if they got that sweather or that pair of jeans i call trash. If i had the time and energy,i would have a big garage-sale and earn some money and then send it to an orphanage..
It was funny assorting my papers/stationery + my daybooks (diary)..heh, so many stupid things that occupied my mind when i was younger,entertaining to read! i found a brochure i made,about cars! not so girly,should be about barbies or something not caRs! *lol* .. i had interviewed my dad about cars, written jokes about cars, had drawings and i had written a list of cars with the price, i had a whole page with trafficsigns i invented and also i had ten rules for hangin`in my car, like "no guys shall drive my car", "i have to drive at least 2hours each day", "there can not be any old persons in my car,cause then i cant drive as fast i like" etc. :P i can -not- remember making it, but i know i was interested in cars though,
daddys girl ;O
This day has been good on me.Lots of energy!!
Øyvind called earlier today, it was lovely to hear his voice again, i miss him!! he`s in London, went last tuesday and he`s back wednesday - looking forward to c him again ;)
januar 13, 2006
friday the 13th (iiih-y-yikes)

superstition.. friday the 13th.i dont believe that it`ll bring bad or good luck,but i find the date and day kinda thrilling anyway - always felt that way bout friday the 13th. what about u??
i`v been looking out the window for a while, theres an eagle at the sky."flying" .. it lets the wind take it round and round in circle,resting in the strong wind, it doesnt have to use the wings that much,just sail on the wind, navigate - majestically bird.
januar 12, 2006
a friend found this, whats more funny than simpsons? this is a clip with the men who`s doing the voices in the cartoon.
kollektiv transport

eg tok bussen heim istad, 16.45 fra Førde.Ekspressbussen som går til Bergen.Fyflate så full den va.Eg fikk meg heldigvis et sete, det va mellom 10-15stk som måtte stå.Det va trykkande varmt, fulllt av irriterande tenåringa som satt å skifta ringetona i et sett og hørte igjennom alle sammen osv..Ikkje nok med d,så ha jo dei fleste mp3spillera md seg no for tida - og alle ha fantastiske dårlige hodetelefona,slik at d bli ei suppe av forskjellige sanga samtidig,ja,eg hadde jo glemt min spiller så eg måtte sitte å høre på d virrvarret av metal,trance,rap og opera *himle med augene* :::O det satt og så klart ein mann på sida av meg som las BT(bergenstidende,og alle veit jo kor stor&klomsete den avisa e),han satt med armane langt over på mi side,eg fikk halve avisa i fanget og las BT ufrivillig. Då vi endelig kom fram til Lavik, va d deilig å komme seg av den trange bussen med den innestengta,varme lufta, tenåringa og bergensere. Bussen som skulle gå vidare til Rysjedalsvika var ikkje å sjå, men istedet kom det ei drosje.. home sweet home.her på bygda e d så lite folk av og til at dei ofte har drosje/taxi istedet for buss på kverdagane,antagelivis meir økonomisk.Men idag va det seff litt fleire enn dei hadde rekna med.Mange skulle rekke ekspressbåten og hadde dårlig tid, ei drosje med plass til fire, og vi va då 7stk.Drosjesjåføren,ei stor dame med tynt hår - ringte som en gal til dei andre drosjene,men alle va opptatt.Ho stua oss alle inn i drosja,vi satt som sild i tønne og behøvde ikkje tenke på å ta på oss sele eingang,vi kunne såvidt blunke så trangt va d,for d va noken som va litt vel overvektige ja.Det var ein fryd å halvveis ramle,presse seg ut av taxien (eg satt såklart i midten på et fang)til slutt på Heggebø,og kjenne den friske lufta igjen. For ein tur. Framme 18.25 - kom meg i hus, aleine her, lagde meg te, åt 7 skiver og julekaker.. litt chips og no ete eg vingummi-ting "godt&blandet,creemy" (smakt dei?its g-o-o-d) Eg e glad for at Erlend(storebror) kjem heim,slikt at eg kan sitte på med han på søndag når eg ska tilbake til Førde - sleppe å ta den forbaska bussen!
If u went into McDonald's and said, 'I'd like some fries.' I guess the girl at the counter would say, 'Would you like some fries with that?'
Today mum is in town, and she`s gonna buy me a new madrass, cause my back hurts - i want a madrass on top of the main-madrass,not the mainmadrass - u c?, i dont know the word for it (in norwegian its called "Overmadrass"),i found one yesterday i was out looking for one, 30% refusal, i`ll get it for 1617,-
i'm going home tonight,gonna stay put there till sunday.
the two last days i`v been active and have been training alot - finally my health is kinda Ok, and i can work out again, feels good! i just have to try to get into a steady rythm ..same classes (aerobic, yoga/pilathes) every week, regular thing - and dont overdo it in the start, typical me.
Today mum is in town, and she`s gonna buy me a new madrass, cause my back hurts - i want a madrass on top of the main-madrass,not the mainmadrass - u c?, i dont know the word for it (in norwegian its called "Overmadrass"),i found one yesterday i was out looking for one, 30% refusal, i`ll get it for 1617,-
i'm going home tonight,gonna stay put there till sunday.
the two last days i`v been active and have been training alot - finally my health is kinda Ok, and i can work out again, feels good! i just have to try to get into a steady rythm ..same classes (aerobic, yoga/pilathes) every week, regular thing - and dont overdo it in the start, typical me.
januar 11, 2006
januar 10, 2006
januar 09, 2006
januar 06, 2006
i promised u earlier to publish a pic of my lovely class ;O
so.. here it is, enjoy. i'm the one with the "Torso", the open-abdomen-psycho-'doll'.
so.. here it is, enjoy. i'm the one with the "Torso", the open-abdomen-psycho-'doll'.
januar 04, 2006
If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying? Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything. What worries you masters you.
januar 03, 2006
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
I Corinthians 13:4-8
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
I Corinthians 13:4-8
januar 01, 2006
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it;
and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it
- this is knowledge.
and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it
- this is knowledge.

it got late last night, or i might say early. It was 05.37 when i went to bed,
the guests went home at 02.30, after that me and my littlebro saw a film, it was one exiting story.. nicole kidman and sean penn, 'The Interpreter'. dont ya just love her ? nicole i mean, she`s one of my favorite female actors.

*sparke i bakken*
"Feliz Año Nuevo" ;D - (ha-ha,der drog eg ein spansk ein)