oh man. tired? oh no, not at all ;)
iv been worrieing about finding the clinic i'm going to this morning, i found a map on the internet, but what can i say, i'm not a born map-reader,thats for sure.but sissel`s coming with me,i'm glad,now i'm calmer.it is always better when u have someone with u. afterwards we`re going to our cafè (vågen). i wish we had a place like vågen at home, in Førde. It is so intimate and layback - it feels like home in there. It is always candlelights, all kinds of newspapers avaliable, games (cards,chess ++), u can barrow blankets too,so cosy!..the art on the walls is for sale,so it`s not the same,it changes.. is kinda odd: some of the drawings/pictures r totally silly or ugly,and some of it is just perfect.I like the style for sure, cause there aint no style, it is so accomplished no-style that it rocks. i guess some of u would say it`s just another coffehouse,but i wouldnt, i simply love it. they dont have any exiting drinks or fooddishes, but thats not the most important thing,heh,GIRLS u think and rolling ur eyes (if ur a boy reading this).. but i dont come there cause im hungry, it`s a place to hang out with ur friends, do ur homework, read, just hang out.. drink hot chocolate or a caffè latte and have a brownie =) ok enough about this, ur bored i know,i'm sorry.but if u have the chance, u should go there. Have a nice monday!