and you thought you clicked on something interesting

you see: it`s about me, REGINE.

oktober 31, 2005

this is ME today

my journal, i greet Thee.
if u had taken a look inside my head,even just for a second u would at once notice that it`s such a mess in there.
SHITE - the teacher is here.. - laaaters.

oktober 28, 2005

wow - today it`s like 19degrees outside! ( unstabile weather all over the world nowdays,the world is about to go under,be prepared u guys:D )
ah, friday.. im SO going to enjoy my days off school. it`s been a week with loths of homework and tests.
plans for my weekend? gah, dunno.. i havent been home for a while, but i dont know.. think im gonna stay put and have a layback-weekend.i hope i`ll get to c øyvind, but not sure if thats possible either, cause he is kinda busy =/ we`ll c..
oh - im hungry, lunchtime any second now - or.. in five minutes.
have a fantastic weekend everyone.

oktober 26, 2005


eg ha aldri vært så begeistra for onsdager. verken nett begynt på veka lr straks slutt. d e lixom midt i uka - en mellomting, en så meiningsløs dag.
- kjedelig tvprogram på kanalene
- forferdelig lang og kjedelig skuledag med tunge fag som sosialfag og service&etikk osv..
- nevnte eg at d bare e dritt på tv`n?
- ..
emh, åkej då - eg hadde ikkje så mange gode argument.anyway , wednesdays sucks.
(i`m still coughing, my chest is heals so slooowwly.)
(..and since im allready complaining, my tooth is aching as well.)
(aaaand im totally exhausted, i need some sleep! )

oktober 25, 2005

my throat is still sore. i`m coughing and coughing.
Early this morning i had an apointment at my dentist, 2,5hours ago now, but i still have the dentist-taste in my mouth. *yuck* i`m not done yet, going back in two weeks.Hope thats the last time, it`s expensieve buurns. (didnt have any holes, but i fainted and damaged a tooth.. this was in june, so i have been in and out for months trying to fix it. it acheees.)
U wont believe it, or maybe u will.. i have problems in believing it though : it`s actually snowing outside. YEAH IT IS. Great?no,no nooo, i think it is awfully and sad :( i HATE the winter, and here it is.. allready. 25th of October. crap crappyy,C-c-craaaa-p. I simply have to buy a winter-jacket,but i havent found any that i would like,yet.stressing.. - It`s SO cold outside that it should be against the law - criminally cold. and it`s very windy as well, the wind almost lifts me up. (yeah i`m a small,tiny girl - but i think that even fat persons r having problems today.)

oktober 19, 2005

this frosty wednesday

I managed to get up and out , and im at school now - yeah,c for urself how productive i am :D
we have a kinda group-task, collecting information about Malawi from the internet.. about sugar,tobacco,tea and so on.reeeally interesting. (well,actually i kinda think so.)

- Øyvind drops by after work - ppppp-perfect.
- my teachers have given me a bunch off homework, suddenly i have plans for the rest of the week!cccccccc-crap.
- oh, u have absolutely no idea how tempted i am to run to the gymstudio and work out!!but my doctors says no, not yet. WHEN?! ssssss-shiiiiiiite.

oktober 17, 2005

oktober 16, 2005

GOOD NEWS: My bigbrother,Erlend is now engaged with June.

oktober 15, 2005


Det va ein lang reise igår.
- Peter e forkjøla og var plaga med hodepine,ulyder i ørene og press i hodet, under heile flyturen fra Dublin-Oslo, sutrete og sint.
- Vi va litt småtriste,savna pappa med ein gang vi drog.
- Eg va sinsjukt sulten, men d va ikkje mat å få tak i.
- Ankom Oslo, skulle hatt god tid (1time) men pga.forsinkelse va d såvidt vi rakk flyet vidare til Flesland. (sprang som noken gala og henta bagasjen og igjennom security-sjekken va d heile tida et lr anna som peip.. av med vesker,jakker,sko,belter osv.. ) Rakk d akkurat etter sprinting igjennom flyplassen, ikkje akkurat enkelt å finne fram når ein har så dårlig tid - fram og tilbake.
- På flyet , Oslo,Gardermoen - Bergen,Flesland va Peter i god form igjen og frisk som ein fisk,heilt hyper og ein pain in the ass,satt og lo av folk og tulla heeeile turen - eg va då dårlig og hadde sånn hjerte-ting og va heilt utkjørt av smerter og lei av d maset hans,heh,ja vi e bestevenna og samtidig krangler vi en god del ;O men seriøst kor slitsomt han va under den flyturen *himle med augene* (søsken..)

Når vi kom fram va SisselM&Bjarne der og venta oss, henta bagasjen,kjøpte noke mat - godt å bli henta og å komme i hus. va ikkje i seng før halv4-4 faktisk.
Eg va oppe i 9tida i dagtidlig, har vondt i halsen - drakk kokt vann, sittet å rippa litt musikk og rota rundt på pc`n til sisselm =)
Vi ska snart ned til sentrum - møte Sylvia, sette oss på ein kafe lrno og chille før vi drar. (ei veninne eg&sisselm gikk på skule med på Framnes, bergenser, hip chick!)
Satser på 16.30-bussen heimover.

oktober 14, 2005

I`ll miss dad, it has been good for us to spend so much time with him. I`m glad we came!I dont know when i can c him again, i guess not before february/march perhaps, or later. Here`s a pic from the greenhouse.

Dublin, Ireland 18.20 - Oslo, Norway 21.50 Oslo,
Norway 22.50 - Bergen, Norway 23.40
My dearest friend Sissel Margrete and her boyfriend r picking us up when we arrive in Bergen,Flesland - i`m glad that i dont have to take the bus. (i`m a nervevreck when it comes to collectively traffic,especially Bus.) And we r staying at her place for the night - very kind of her =)

The pic is nice, isn`t it?The sky is so big here ! (pic taken from the car while drivig real fast.)
Forgot to put on the "action-mode" on the camera.


Last night we went to a town called "Skerries" , it`s name come from the vikings, "skjær" (norwegian) - kinda neat :D
My dad wants to move out there, to the sea - it`s paradise, i fell in love with the little town, so central and yet so intimate and kozy. Fishingboats, tiny houses and the ocean. Perfect.
It gets dark early (6-7) , but u can c the small fishingboats.
This is a pic from Dublin, Peter doesnt take a singel picture were we actually know it, so it`s only surprise-pictures all a long.
In peoples garden they have all kinds off flowers and trees, like palmtrees - so the temperature is quite stabile here, in Norway we dont have the clima to get exotic plants and trees like that to grow.

oktober 13, 2005


oktober 12, 2005

WE actually did go outside the flat today, and we went to Dublin city. my legs r tired i`ll tell u! I bought a handbag on "Topshop" , yeah it`s expensieve there,but i had to have it. Peter got Nike footballshoes, neat stuff - and a pair of trousers and a t-shirt, handsome bloke.
My dad and Peter r watching football.. Ireland-Switzerland, the match is going on in Dublin actually. And Norway r playing against Belarus.
1-0 now.. their totally in it.Peter was sitting in the sofa,but now he`s lying on the floor right in front of the TV - sweet. (and now their screaming)
Afterwards we`r gonna c "Trainspotting".
Me and my dad in his work-car.
Peter in a bar, pic taken cause of the man behind him; typical 'british' look :D
Me in the car..

yesterday we practically did nothing - and i doubt that this day will get more exiting then TV, food and films - just relaxe and 'hang'.

'EURO SPORT' is tha thing in this flat - we`r addicted to the "Snookers Grand Prix" (billiard-turnering-ting som går heile tida kver dag akkurat i denne perioden.) Amazed by how brilliant they r - the fun part is when they now and then give us a glimpse of the audience - their all just sitting/lying there with this empty look on their faces, and their yaawning and yawning.i dont blame them - so do we.

I woke up this morning(!) with a sore throat - i seldom wake up feeling better then the day before, always kinda luck - wouldnt u love to be me?
I`m having my fifth cup with hot water.
I had a cup with "Lyons - original blend" (irish tea) earlier, but i prefer hot water =)

Peter? yeah,he`s not up yet.
Outside? Raining cats and dogs.
Inside?playing a Blondie-cd, now listening to "Sunday Girl" - i like this music. (yeah well,its my cd..)

oktober 11, 2005

Peter is so bored.
Right now he`s actually taking a bath, hehe.. he has been climbing all around in the apartment and in the halls outside the flat (many apartments in a building, second floor.)
I saw a film earlier, "House of Flying Daggers" , it was good - Ziyi Zhang is hot.
I find myselfe eating more then usual here.. what`s that about??heh, both me and Peter r eating all the time, we`r gonna get fat :D and I , I`m tired..more then usual. Like i went to bed at 23.00 last night - thats early! I have slept a bit too, usually i sleep like 2hours alltogether, but here i sleep 3-4hours i think, yeah it`s good. When i`m not sleeping i`m lying with a picture of Øyvind in front of me and picturing him.. GOD i miss him. Today`s tuesday.. heading back friday, and hm.. doctors appointment on monday i im not going back to Førde before monday-tuesday. ah,tuesday!i have an apointment at my physic therapist then. Gosch, when can i see him again??

oktober 10, 2005

Monday "morning"

My dad went to work early this morning. I got up 09.00, couldnt lie any longer even if i wanted to, cause when im lying still i feel all the pain in my abdomen and neck/back.
I have been doing some housework in the kitchen and bathroom.. cleaning and polishing all around me - listening to a cd i bought last night : Foo Fighters - In Your Honour.
Peter = sleepyhead. yeah,still sleeping. I have made some breakfast for the third time this morning, i feel like im eating all the time :O well , i consider to wake him up ,so we can eat together. I love the mornings and to have time to have breakfast together !!
Afterwards me and Peter have planned to go out.. it`s a recordstore, or films,cd`s,games and so on , on the corner right outside.

oktober 09, 2005


I got up 06.00 AM - me and my littlebrother had a long day ahead of us.
Driven to the bus of my mum and elder brother. Arrived in Bergen, bus to the airport.

Flesland,Bergen 12.00 - Katrup,Copenhagen 13.20
Kastrup,Copenhagen 16.25 - Dublin,in gaellic "Bàile Àtha Cliàth" 17.40.

Almost 3hours in Copenhagen,but it was fun allright.Me and Peter walked around in the taxfreeshops, laughed and looked at people :D

Our dad came and picked us up in the airport in Dublin - i was starving and we went to a pub [pobb] - "The brock inn bar"
The television was on and there was a match going on: Cyprus against Ireland, everyone was sucked into the TV and drinking the ugly-tasting black beer, Guinnes.
We had dinner there , real stuff! Huge portions and it tasted so good!! we had 3 big portions, burger,roasted beef,salats,chips and so on and it was 26Euro alltogether, in Norway i guess the bill would be doubled, and i`v heard that Ireland is one of the most expensieve countries in EU!
It is Sunday morning - We`r watching "Futuramah".

Ireland is one hour behind, so it feels like the time is going slower here in a way.

I like his flat, it is brand new and hi-tech!(example, the elevator is speaking.. like "opening doors", "closing doors" and so on)
It is as central as u can get it in the town Ashbourne, the shops r right outside and we can actually get into a shoppingcenter without going outside the building - crazy. (there`s a hall leading to the center under ground)

I think we r going to a city nearby today, do some shopping - Peter desires a new pair of trousers.
Yup,everything is open,even on sundays.

oktober 06, 2005

My hospital-stay was a bit longer then i planned, and they actually wanted to "keep" me there a week longer - but i explained that i really dont have the time! heh, u c.. i had to go back to Førde and pic up my passport and c my love before i go. I`m leaving after school tomorrow, either home or Bergen - me and my littlebrother,Peter r going together to visit our dad in Dublin,Ireland. The plane takes off at 12.00 o`clock Saturday, from "Flesland" - the airport in Bergen.
But i guess i have to go back to the hospital later,and do the tests they didnt get the time to do. (terrible,terrible english sucks.)
U`r curious, what did the doctors find out this time then? well, they will let me now in a few weeks i guess - hospital-stuff takes time, oh my it takes time!! *sigh*

oktober 03, 2005

"Haukeland Sykehus"

i dont sleep at night.. insomnia-kinda-girl. *sigh* im sitting, drinking water.. listening to Jason Upton - "Teach Me How to Pray" , christian artist. I`m going to "Haukeland", the hospital in Bergen. Going to stay over the night, i dont know for how long; but at least one night.
I have a lot of unpleasing examinations ahead off me i guess =/

yesterday we saw 2 films:
1. "Closer" - it`s all about sex and unfaithfulness.It wins the price for the most silly and miserable film i have seen in a very very long time!! yup - nothing to see.
Good actors though : Julia Roberts,Natalie Portman,Jude Law, Clive Owen.
2. "Kingdom of Heaven" - i have seen it before and i like it. Ridley Scott is a good director (ex.'Gladiator') I like films were we go back too the middleage or even longer. Orlando Bloom is the maincharracter.I love it when they fight with swords, ride horses, oldfashionclothes and custom`s.

oktober 02, 2005


i`m wide awake, the others r and Eldrid lies in the livingroom, she`s right behind my beck - i have to try to be very quiet..sniking around and not listen to music or something. I have taken a shower, had some breakfast. Maybe i`ll put on a film, but then i can wake her up, i wonder if it`s a pair off headphones somewere in here - i guess it is in SIssels bedroom, and i`m not going in there. i love the mornings,i havent slept more then an hour or so - but then i dont sleep as much as normal human beeings do. i got up 09.15... i guess the others wont get up before 12-13 00 - we`ll see. actually, i think it`s kinda cosy that they sleep all morning ;)

night out in beRgen.

i have had a good night out with Eldrid,Sissel Margrete and her boyfriend Bjarne. Me and Eldrid have been dancing all night as usual - if u look in the direction off the dancefloor,i guess u would see me and Eldrid at once, cause we dont dance like others do, kinda odd, odd in a positive way.we dont try to look sexy or to seduce anyone - just dancing,having fun and feeling the rythms. i dont drink, but i dance and behave as relaxed as the others.. i dont understand that people have to drink for hours before they`ll dare set their foot on the dancefloor.people care too much about what other thinks, it must be stressing for them!
I have been hungry all day, i`v eaten alot today!really, i have. And right before we went home i ate a large cheeseburger with fries 2 go with it and a coke - and still, i`d fancy some chocolatebars.
I`m not feeling quite well now - cause u c, my health is not good, and i`m actually supposed to rest and stay calm.Having alot of pain and ache now, going to try to get some sleep. Good night.
Plans 4 2morrow :
- Rest.
- Drink boiled water (yeah,i`m weard,with no flavour,or tea..just hot water)
- Watch films.
- Be lazy, and just relaxe.
- Dont dress proparly. (as in : i hope im gonna stay inside all day)

oktober 01, 2005

saturday morning

hi you,
I`m having my breakfast now, mmh, hot chocolate is good. aha aha i like it,aha aha.
it has been this stormy weather since i came here - Bergen is known for its rainy days. But i really enjoy this weather, im fascinated by storms.. rough wind and its raining cats and dogs. no use of having a umbrella, cause the wind is so strong and its coming from every direction,so u can leave ur umbrella at home,or in the purse(as i do), cause the wind will break it.such a mess.just wear a raincoat or something,if u dress good - it`s entertaining and feeling of freedom to walk outside now. The wind almost lifts me up and takes me away, heh, i like it anyway,anyhow.
Plans for today :
- Go shopping with my friends
+witchybitchy(a piercingstudio)
+a bunch of other shops and centers :D
and then we`r gonna visit our favourite cafè , "Vågen Fetevare".
it`s a very special style and kind of people hanging there, originals.. bohemisch-kinda-look, very layback-style.i so dig this coffe-shop/cafè !!! So i guess we`r gonna hang out there for a while:D
pics of me and Ingrid, here and here. (old pics from february,from the cafè.)

Me and Eldrid have been talking all week about buying some boots, like rain-boots,i dont know the word for it.. (i didnt find a pic of the exact boots i want, but u get the idea)
and then,
yeah listen:
then me and about 5-6friends r going to play BINGO, like old ladies,heh, i`m looking forward to it,i think it will be real fun.cause it`s like, so "stupid" and not so often that youth as us play bingo on saturdaynights ;P but hey, we r not just any youth, we r a special kind of group, we dont follow the rest , we do as we feel and give a damn in what others think. i`m loving it.